jacks classic powder in hydro?hoping for a answer


Well-Known Member
ive got 2 tubs of the jacks classic grow and bloom combo..:hump:.cant find a post on here that comes close to saying if these will work in hydro...all the answers seem to be...go buy this or go buy that...which dont answer the question...since some of us already have what they want and need and dont plan to buy other stuff...can jacks classic be used in a hydro setup?


Well-Known Member
just looking at the stuff i think its only made for soil. if you use it in hydro your dose might be messed up. id say give it a shot you will know early on if it doesn't work, or you can spend $30 save time and money spent on electricity and buy hydro fert and be sure that your grow will be great.


Well-Known Member
just looking at the stuff i think its only made for soil. if you use it in hydro your dose might be messed up. id say give it a shot you will know early on if it doesn't work, or you can spend $30 save time and money spent on electricity and buy hydro fert and be sure that your grow will be great.
i know i can buy hydro ferts...but not wanting too seeing that i just bought 2 giant tubs of this stuff.been putting off my next grow till i bought some new soil...was going to get some fox farms ocean forest soil...but for the amount of plants i want to grow...the cost of FFOF is way to much.so i was looking for people that have actually done this...but it looks like there isnt...so i guess ill be the first to try it and give a real answer...im building a dwc system and going to be using nothing but jacks classic...ive got 3 plants that im using just for test purposes...i might take 1 or 2 of them and try them out in....ill make a thread all about it and maybe shine some light on this subject....its only a couple plants anyways....i had planned on chopping them down after 2-3 weeks anyway....so i guess for those wondering the same thing...ill start a thread in the next day or two...have to get some supplies..and ill start building it tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I don't think Jacks has calcium, though I could be wrong. Maybe just the jacks and some cal mag? Maybe there is a cheaper source of calcium or maybe your tap water contains enough as it is. You should start a journal, I'd be interested in how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Jack's is indeed missing Calcium & Magnesium. You need to suplement for mag you can use epsom salts I don't know about calcium though i didn't find a simple source for calcium. It'll work in Hydro though you can also try using Dyna-Gro Foliage pro (I think that is the one that was recommended to me) Good luck!!