IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!


Well-Known Member
sorry if it seems mean but i say get rid starts again and do things properly.

a lot of gnats on the sticky traps, they are probably causing havoc in the rootzone


Well-Known Member
nah man. Like said if gnats are screwing with your root ball you're done bro. Why don't you take some advice and not be thick headed about that necrotic looking plant.

If you want real advice you need to list everything about your grow. Lighting, watering, feeding, etc.


New Member
nah man. Like said if gnats are screwing with your root ball you're done bro. Why don't you take some advice and not be thick headed about that necrotic looking plant.
There's no way for me to get new seeds right now. So I'll have to go with that plant and try to save it until it produces seeds of it's own.


There's no way for me to get new seeds right now. So I'll have to go with that plant and try to save it until it produces seeds of it's own.
Good luck getting seeds with one plant. I know you can't start over as you've said many times. As everyone has said above though, your roots are probably destroyed your plant looks like it's eating itself for food, roots destroyed, not enough food, who knows? No details. Some of your leaves are curling upwards, it's probably too hot as well.

I don't understand honestly, I know you want help but even when you get a piece of advice that isn't "throw it away" you edit it out of the quote and don't even acknowledge it.
"If you want real advice you need to list everything about your grow. Lighting, watering, feeding, etc."


Well-Known Member
There's no way for me to get new seeds right now. So I'll have to go with that plant and try to save it until it produces seeds of it's own.

Go to home depot or lowes and look at the mosquito dunks, you'll break them up and soak them in water before you water your plant, or look into Neem/Karanja oil. These will help get rid of your gnats, the problem is not the gnats you see, but the larva that has been laid in your soil and will eventually produce more gnats. Another option, if your not in flower, would be to do a complete transplant, get rid of your old dirt, put in new dirt, and clean the fuck out of your grow space, I use the Clorox Whipes, I had a similiar experience with gnats, I ended up chopping early and cleaning the fuck out of my grow space, now I segregate any new plants before they go into my grow rooms, first they go in my QA/QC room to prevent this problem from happening


Well-Known Member
The gnats are not your issue, just a nuisance. You have some type of fundamental issue with your grow, that much is clear from your pic. Not enough details given on your grow to tell you anything more than that. Nutes can be deficient or locked out for multiple reasons. If you give some details and get it straightened out, the plant can probably be salvaged with a lot of patience, you'll want to keep vegging her until healthy growth starts and takes hold. As said above, I doubt anyone can help you until you give the details.


Well-Known Member
I know there's more going on here than just the gnats, but thought this might help in the future - When I saw a couple fung gnats I just threw a layer of perlite on top of my soil and then misted the plants w/ diluted neem oil and I haven't seen another gnat since...


Well-Known Member
well without proper info from the grower its hard to tell whats wrong with a plant.....but in my opinion, where should we start.....
1. looks to be over fed, due to the gold tips and yellow lower leaves, i would say you have been giving her nutes with every watering, correct?
2. looking at the curled under leaf tips ( or Rams horn appearence they describe in any of the hundred plant problem solvers listed on this website), She is showing you she is too wet, so stop watering for a few days and let her dry out.
3. Due to the over watering, she probably has saturated roots, turning into a pile of mushy, anaerobic material that will choke out the rest of the plant, if the gnats don't eat all the soft roots first.....
4. Lights....Go to forum, grow room design, and read any of the stuff in there about proper lighting, and distance from plants. ALSO CHECK OUT THE INFO ON PROPER AIR CIRCULATION....

In conclusion, i would agree with the rest, throw it away.......Read the site, gather knowledge, then start over. I know guys in malaysia that have access to seeds, if you found this seed, i am sure your friend will sell you another bag and you can germinate another bagseed to start over.....
