its raining :(


Well-Known Member
hey guys.

i just wanted to know if you guys think my plants will be okay.
im at work and all my girls are outside and its been pissing it down. stopped now, but it keeps on stopping and starting.

im nearly 6 weeks in to flower, should they be okay by the time i get home? which will be in about 4 hours. its not hot or anything so i dont think mold will be a problem, just wanted to make sure!

sorry if its a stupid question

cheers, peace:joint:


Well-Known Member
haha, very funny lol. byt seriously, do you think they should be okay. strted chucking it down again!! i just want to put my mind at rest. if they are wet when i get in im gonna get the hair dryer, put it on cold setting and dry them bitches lol.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing that it rains in alot of places where people grow weed. I think they will make it.


Well-Known Member
yyeeaaa texas:roll: thats where i live :-?

look at location:blsmoke:

still anyone else want to put in a word. i think they should be fine, i just want to make sure.

and also if they are wet when i get in, do you think if i used a cold air hairdryer i could dry them of safely?



Well-Known Member
You should be fine, where I live we have had over 20 inches of rain in the past month:roll:. You just need to make sure that you have good air circulation for the plants to dry properly. Not to say that you want your plant getting rain everyday, but the plants do grow outside naturally and get wet from dew most every night in the wild. Good Luck with the rest of your grow.:joint:


Well-Known Member
exactly what i was thinking. i thought that they would be fine, but i just wanted to make sure. they where in the wild before they where inside. thats what i say. if they are to wet thought when im in, i will blowdry them with cold air just in case. only becasue i bring them in at like 7:30 for their 12 hrs sleep in a dark cuoboard. might get a bit humid in there, thats why i migh blowdry just in case. easy


Active Member
yeah, as long as the wind wasnt too bad it should be alright. just had earl move through the east coast, scared to check my ladies outside.....lmao........time will tell


Well-Known Member
yeah, as long as the wind wasnt too bad it should be alright. just had earl move through the east coast, scared to check my ladies outside.....lmao........time will tell
what do you mean if the wind isnt to bad? do you mean if i had like galeforce winds at 70 mph. because i dont, just heavy rain.
did earl hit your area bad? or is it okay?


Well-Known Member
Think about it....if rain could kill MJ plants, we wouldn't have MJ on this planet, because it would've gone extinct, looooong ago. :wink:
it rained hard in london today but brightened up in the afternoon quite nicely. They are plants that have survived on mountains and have experienced sustained heavy relief rainfall for millennia, without humans drying them off with hairdryers. Leave them alone, they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Think about it....if rain could kill MJ plants, we wouldn't have MJ on this planet, because it would've gone extinct, looooong ago. :wink:
it rained hard in london today but brightened up in the afternoon quite nicely. They are plants that have survived on mountains and have experienced sustained heavy relief rainfall for millennia, without humans drying them off with hairdryers. Leave them alone, they'll be fine.
lol, the hairdryer was just an idea haha. im just worried of bud rot, which i acctually got yesterday. luckily i found it in early stages so i cut it off. only lost like 0.3-0.5. so no biggie. but still well annoying. good thing i found it early. it shouldnt stress her to much that i cut a part of thebud off, will it? i think it should be fine now. just gonna check everyday like i do anyway.
