Ithumb's Blue Mystic CFL Grow


Here it goes, I have one sprouted on 24/7 6500k Daylight CFL. The other four Nirvana Blue Mystic seeds are taking longer then expected to get up and going.



Well-Known Member
my ICE was stubborn. they didnt wann sprout. but once they did they took off like wild fire. i wanna do blue mystic next. idk, theres alot i wanna grow and am completely happy with ice. may try ICE under different conditions. see how far i can push it and learn from it. :) anywho, little seedling looks good man. :)


Thanks man! This seed, that sprouted a couple days ago, is pretty lively. Might consider keeping it in a veg state and take clones from it. Whats better SOG or big ole guys?


Well-Known Member
Just depwnds on what you're after, your grow area etc. This is my first grow myself. :)
Check it when u have time bro, its in my signature down below.
I took clones as soon as I seen they were female. Which happens a week to two weeks under 12/12 lighting.


Well-Known Member
i grew out some bm seeds awhile back with cfls and had killer results. I even got a bunch of purple ones. you can check out their site for the pics i had. fun grow, very easy. i did lst and had many colas that went over well with people who smoked them. good luck!


I'm about three weeks in and the Blue Mystic is looking gooood, just a little burn from a bottle of water I gave it when I was stoned (terrible idea). I haven't decided if I'm doing an advanced grow with lsting, because I will probably mess it up. But, I am definitively going to top the plant sooon.



Active Member
I think some leaves are folding in half. I'm not really sure what that's all about.
Mine started doing it a lil. I can only think it might be poor ventilation but im leaning towards its just getting real bushy and its trying to get the most light possible. Check out my grow, it started doing that but its started to fix itself. Im just a few days ahead of you so ill follow yours for comparison ;)


Couple a pics for the journal showing the development of the lower canopy and stem. The stem is completely ripped out of its seedling purple hue. Also, the plant is transplanted again to a large storage container. Bigger pots=more roots=more nutes=bigger plants faster=more buds sooner. :mrgreen: The cfls are as close as possible to the plant with out touching to encourage the bush effect that is associated with the BM plants. And I added a CFL underneath the plant that gets moved around the plant for under growth.



Currently, I am still in 18/6 and I pulled the lights back a little to allow for some stretching. Because, I want to get my shears in there and take some clones and maybe a top. Also, I bought a T8 Shop florescent light with daylight 65oo Kelvin bulbs. ONLY 30 CLAMS at WALLY WORLD! I think I'm gonna go back and snag the other one in there.



I have a quick question, if anyone would like to comment. I have been using an 8-0-0 organic concentrate and it seems to me that I am unable to burn my plant with it, should I keep stepping up the concentration or just stick to twice the recommended concentration level. I think it is made of beet molasses. Cheers to anyone with any idea.


Here's it goes two successfully rooted clones, just one small step toward perpetual mj growing....great success!:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Mother is getting stinky too. It is about 4 feet high and two feet wide. Trying to pull 6oz+ but that might be wishful thinking.

