Ithinkthe girl's are ready PICS..


Scientia Cannabis
cant tell from the pics need to see hairs ,but they look pretty fat
I hope you mean the trichomes?

Pistil colours do _not_ attribute to maturity and cannot be used as a marker to check maturity level.


We need to get info on how the trichomes look (you need a microscope for that, 30x + (pref 60x +).
You plants look quite nice but it's hard to say with the fuzzy picture.

Can you take a focused picture of 1 bud site if possible?
To see if the pistils are receding and wether the calyxes are swollen :)
yes trichomes sorry I have a little poket microscope it goes from 20 - 40X ,I like to go for a nice 50/50 mix of brown and white glands
b.t.w this is the microscope only £10
there are probably better ones but for a tenner you cant go wrong + it is portable like in your pocket and you can use it on the plant anyway im jabbering on