It works!

Just want to thank the RIU community for teaching me how to grow free weed. I went hella cheap using basically a mylar tent with cfl clamp lights all over the place and am finally enjoying some of the best smoke I've been able to get in my area ever! I used a variety of bagseed. I never had to ask one question like male or female or what do i do etc. all the answers are here. I ended up with 2 female plants. one was lemony and one was skunky and both take away the pain/stress/depression better than any anti-depressant/ pain medicine / cartel brick weed. What a fun hobby.
Now I'm no west coast weed snob and don't really smoke all that much (some of you are smoking ENTIRELY too much), so I know my grow doesn't meet certain standards. Hell yeah I harvested early, hell no I didn't paint my walls white, hell no I didn't make sure the room is 100% light tight, hell no I'm not wiring up a 600w HID inside my house I got old wiring and I'm not that crafty, hell yeah I used tap water to water them, get this I even used 10-10-10 granule fertilizer and it worked fine. BOOSH!
Now when I build up a tolerance to these 2 plants I'm sure i might try to "dial-it-in" a little better and see if I can get better results but for a first attempt I couldn't be happier or more stoned, and oh yeah COOKIES!!! BROWNIES!!!! Making butter and cooking with it is now more enjoyable to me than watching damn plants grow. Thanks everyone.
Tech support for growing weed, gotta love the internet!
It wasn't THAT long of a post. I don't own scales so i don't know for sure, 3 pint sized mason jars full, whatever that is. I'll say 3/4 of an ounce.


Well-Known Member
no imagine if you DID use a 600 watt and a better fert and all that you DIDNT do lol you could have had 4+oz ;) but good job man!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
pics or you didnt smoke it!

lets see the nuggs homes! close up sticky nasty split beaver shots of sweet hairy nuggs! the forum demands it!



Well-Known Member
lol my first grow ever had some of the prettiest buds ive ever seen still to this day but was shitty bud to smoke. it was nothing but hair almost. awesome fluff ball of bright red hair. was grown in MG soil in a 1 gallon pot way way too small for the 4 foot tall plant. never checked the ph in that thing once. had about 60 watts of floros on it till harvest. was some bag seed too. just wanted to share that with you guys lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Happy your grow was a success. As for the old house. If you can run a microwave or a window AC. You could defenetly run a 400 and a cooling fan. And with 2 plants that would be all the light you need. Or get as many T5 in there as you can. I think a single 15 amp braker can handle 8 2foot 2 bulbs. And that's way more then you will need. Better soil and bam what a difference. You will be pleased with the easy upgrade. But if your happy now and it works for you then stay stoned and happy growing.


New Member
your house can handle a 400w light and i hope u let tap water sit out uncapped for 24 hrs before use


Well-Known Member
yea keep it simple .. enjoy what is a succes to you ..

up scale ???..

well even if you dont feel like doing much diffrent .. ther is a few small things that realy dont cost much you can do and I bet you can pull one OZ per plant next time ..

I reccon you did´t grow autos ? try to look in to that .. might cost a littel bit more a seed .. but if you only grow two plants evry seccon month I reccon them +10$ wont hurt you wallet ... and with light leaks aso. it will be perfect for you to grow and will for sure give you a lot more ..

a cheap PH test kit/PH down or up wont cost much more and will also make a hugh diffrent Im sure ..

can allways do it a littel at the time and do the things you might enjoy and find nesseary/easy to do .. some good soil and all them small basic stuff all make a littel diffrent for small money and nobody force you to do em to day ;)

best of luck on your next runn :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

tiny pictures makes it hard to fap.

Dont judge me!! im in love with Mary Jane, we got a special relationship.


Well-Known Member
He will expand and improve. He has the growing your own disease now. :bigjoint:

what are you talking about ?

never hear about that disease .. Im sure I wont chatch it ..

as I allready build my 9x3 foot "secret" room in my bedroom .. with out take ventilation/carbonfilter and tubeing for fresh intake air from my passiv intake over my window (with a cheap bathroom ventilation added) and a 600W HPS .. plus 6 tube T5HO 6500/2700K fixture .. 2 fans aso.

did`t have anything 2 months ago :D


New Member
what are you talking about ?

never hear about that disease .. Im sure I wont chatch it ..

as I allready build my 9x3 foot "secret" room in my bedroom .. with out take ventilation/carbonfilter and tubeing for fresh intake air from my passiv intake over my window (with a cheap bathroom ventilation added) and a 600W HPS .. plus 6 tube T5HO 6500/2700K fixture .. 2 fans aso.

did`t have anything 2 months ago :D

its called the growing addiction lol

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i envy your stress free growing style, Shackleford. most growers go through several bouts of stress when growing. Not Shack! GL