It dosn't rain


Active Member
So it's rained about 1 time in the last 25 days, that being like 20 days ago. my question is how bad is that for outdoor grows, would it stop the buds from propperly forming?


Well-Known Member
Its a good thing as long as your giving the plants water yourself. If your not then its a bad thing. But I have some that survived with like 2 weeks between waterings


Active Member
I heard sometimes, if it is a lot of rain - it can wash off the THC if the buds are really tight and fluffy. Maybe it's better, if you just give them food and water yourself - you should be fine.


Active Member
here in nor cal, when we put our plants out in late march-early april, their roots are able to develop strong tap roots due to the couple of rains we get through march and april. This year i grew twenty plants near a creek 10 grandaddy purples 8 super silver hazes and 2 romberry. These plants are inaccessible and i have not watered a single time all year and my plants are the biggest plants ive ever seen in my life and as big as any ive ever seen on camera. Point is, if you plant early when the ground is not dry, preferably next to a water source roots will grow down deep and form a tap which will feed the plant all year long. If you plant normal cal. plant time i.e. june july you will probably have to water two or three times per month or more because the ground will be dry and the roots will find it difficult to penetrate.


Active Member
well for the month of august we had 20 days at over 100 with 17 in a row and all the other days were at 90 or better, I had to water everyday and now we have had rain for the last 4 days in a row, my plant had grown over 1 foot since the rain started. Thought I lost it a couple of times tho. Now she is looking GREAT. BTW she is also planted outdoors and am going to get a clone off her soon.


Active Member
Its a good thing as long as your giving the plants water yourself. If your not then its a bad thing. But I have some that survived with like 2 weeks between waterings
are plants able to recover from periods of drought?

all summer here its been raining here
i was on holidays the last two weeks and it was hot and sunny for nearly 3 weeks now.dont think its rained at all

check my plants this evening and one looked pretty much dead and the 2 others looked really dried out
have no water source at my plant site so will be returning tomorrow with water for them
plants are passion#1
