Issue with my timer/myself, need advice


Active Member
Hey guys, I need some advice.

I'll try and explain this so it makes sense....

My plants are on their 3rd week of flowering.

I had my plants light period going from 7:30pm to 7:30am.

This afternoon I came home, and the timer did not shut off (I have my suspicious of how it happen, but not terribly sure). The lights were on until about 11am when I got home (so they were on from 7:30pm-11:00am (15.5 hours).

I turned them off and made sure my timer was set proper back to 7:30/7:30.

Well I fucked up and when I got out of the shower the lights were on (one of the 30 minute pins got pushed in). I'm not sure how long it was on, but no more than 25 minutes.

I'm just wondering if I should just set them back to turn on at 7:30pm and off at 7:30am, or if I should do something else (like let them stay off until tomorrow night?).

And i do plan on buying a new digital timer, ASAP so this won't happen again.

Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
Go back to 730 to 730. Sounds like you had a blackout and the pushpin timers clocks stop when this happens, digital ones keep going(clock).


Active Member
Awesome, thanks guys. I figured as much but I wanted to make sure as this is the first time it's happen to me personally.
