Is this soil any good ?


Well-Known Member
It says its at my local store. I had to input my zip code to find my lodcal store and it does it that way .. its diff for everyone depending on which stores are in your area.

In case its not letting you view the product I will copy the description >

Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix is proven to grow plants twice as big as ordinary soils. It is enriched with an all-natural plant food that feeds for up to 3 months. Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix is designed to meet the needs of all indoor and outdoor potting situations.
  • Exclusive mix of all-natural, organic ingredients
  • Natural fertilizers provide both quick and slow release feeding to get plants off to a fast start and keep them growing.
  • Delivers twice the growth of ordinary potting soil...naturally.
  • Ideal for growing vegetables, herbs and other plants in pots or containers
  • EcoOption : Eco Options
  • MFG Brand Name : Miracle-Gro®
  • MFG Model # : 72978659
  • MFG Part # : 72978659

  • Assembled Depth (In Inches) : 4.0 In.
  • Assembled Height (In Inches) : 16.0 In.
  • Assembled Weight (In LBS) : 0
  • Assembled Width (In Inches) : 9.8 In.
  • Energy Star

Merry Christmas

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
look for a nursery i have one near by they are high as hell but i can get a yard of mother earth brand potting soil and mix in pearlight for a light fantastic mix the pealight comes from home depot much cheaper good luck


Well-Known Member
so nothing cheap from home depot / lowes etc will work? The only nursery near me is 12 miles away and wont be open till march.


Well-Known Member
I found this review of the organic I linked to here>


Taken from the article >

Miracle Gro is by far the most recognized name in potting soil and plant care. It now carries an organic line and the Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix is an excellent choice for gardeners who just want to plant and be done with it. Miracle Gro's claim "twice the growth of ordinary potting soil" is true to a large extent. Miracle Gro's potting mix includes both quick- and slow-release fertilizers. This benefits plants as they immediately get a good start, and then continue to grow. You can make the case that if the gardener properly fertilizes plants you will have the same result, but Miracle Gro eliminates this element of human error. The ingredient list of Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix is similar to Fafard and has sphagnum peat moss, composted bark fines, and natural fertilizers. The organic nature of the potting soil will broaden the appeal of Miracle Gro to individuals concerned about pesticides and chemicals, but who still like the ease of using Miracle Gro products. A 14 pound bag costs approximately $5.99 and is widely available.

The Fafard Organic Container Mix and Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix target the same audience but are really suited to different gardeners. The Miracle Gro potting mix serves the occasional weekend gardener the best because if he or she forgets it is time to fertilize it is not that big of a deal as flowers, plants and vegetables still get many nutrients from the potting mix. The Fafard mix is ideal for the passionate gardener who likes to try things, readjust plants, and is scrupulous about watering and fertilizing duties. It also appears more authentic to hard-core gardeners who are passionate about organics and their plants. Both mixes will grow beautiful plants, but the Fafard mix will take more effort while the Miracle Gro mix - even though it is organic - carries the "chemical" stigma. I like the Fafard mix for my vegetable boxes that I tend to more often anyway, and use the Miracle Gro for flowers that I can just plant and water.


Well-Known Member
Dont waste time with MG. Its cheap crap with way too much time release nutrients.

Its meant for no hassle gardening with flowers, not Marijuana, which requires a lot of work and a lot of trial and error.



Well-Known Member
Damn I didnt realize just the damn soil was going to be so expensive lol.. Damn I would love to know the cheapest way ( I know I know.. Gimme a break im on disability ) to go about this.. I want to start out with 6 plants.. Using soil from this link, can you tell me how many bags of which soil I need please >


Thx for taking the time to help a noob out.

Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
that garden soil has alot of wood and shit in it. YA sure that will be good enough? I man it doesnt have to be that cheap lol.. I can afford a lil more than that lol... I really need to stay under 50.00 on the soil though.. Any more ideas?


Merry Christmas

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
they call it weed for a reason ...its a weed pick through put the larger chunks of wood in the bottom of your pots for drainage and get to growin don't over think this try to keep it simple


Well-Known Member
DO NOT USE THAT! I used that and it killed all my plants, too many nutes! Once I got them in a different soil they took off, I highly suggest not using that...


Well-Known Member
@ robert

wow wtf? why u get so pissed? I was totally not trying to be a jerk or anything.. Im confused .. I dont know why you got all pissy an shit when all I did was ask a simple question jeez.


@ fourtw0

Thx man for the heads up . Can you suggest what I do buy then? As I said above, my budget is $50.00 - $60.00 USD and I want to grow 6-7 plants.. What should I do?

Thx alot

Merry Christmas
Even to old scrooge above ( robert ) lol