Is this Overwatering or Underwatering or Nute Deficiency. Help Please


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What wrong with this. Its in its 4th week

I currently water between 20-28ml a day. The pic is taken right after i watered hence it being worse that it actually is. But the bottom leaves are yellow and brown at the tips.

I felt it was underwatered at the start


Well-Known Member
Just stop watering for 3-4 days and see how it looks.

with the size of your container, your plant could go without water for at least a week and still be fine.
I wouldn't put it in a bigger pot though, that would just be unwanted stress that you don't want right now.

Wait until it perks back up to transplant.


Active Member
Looks and sounds like overwatering. Let the pot dry out before each watering. Try every 3-4 days instead of every day.


Well-Known Member
Over watering = watering too often. Give them a good watering, let it dry out then water again.


Well-Known Member
guys its a small pot. bottom fits in the palm of my hand. The soil is dry every time I water. I even check with a moisture meter and it always at zero. I use a sprayer to water.

Are you guys sure it overwatering? I reduced 5ml the other day and It got worse.
and today i gave it extra, about 35ml to see if that does good or bad.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Dont water until your plant is totally dry,those are soaked.When you keep them too wet they just stop growing.When you check your plants for wetness check your planters wieght when they are ready for water they will be light as hell.Allways put extra perlite in your soil to keep this from happening(overwatered)I water only ever two or three days,mostly ever two days depending on the heat in my flower room


Well-Known Member
plants don't just fall over and die the day they don't get enough water.

Just stop watering for at least 3 days and no more than a week.
If it fixes the problem, great. If not, you can cross that off your list.

no harm done.


Well-Known Member
Guys, I hate to say this, but you guys were WRONG. I didn't water the plant for one day and it dropped even more.
I use a different method where i water small amounts every day and gradually increase as they get bigger. But i guess i didn't increase enough.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Guys, I hate to say this, but you guys were WRONG. I didn't water the plant for one day and it dropped even more.
I use a different method where i water small amounts every day and gradually increase as they get bigger. But i guess i didn't increase enough.
u didnt stop to think it keeps drooping because all these ppl told u to stop and intead u added more???


Well-Known Member
It definitely doesn't either look dry or sound like it should be droopy because of draught. When a plant is droopy because of underwatering it will suck up water to level up water preassure while you watch it. On big plants you can actually see how leaves move while sucking up the water you give it - fast. And your plant doesn't look droopy enough to be past the point of dryness where it won't recover fast. So - if your plant was droopy like this because of underwatering it would imediately within 15 minutes rise and be pointy like .. something very pointy.


Well-Known Member
Guys, I hate to say this, but you guys were WRONG. I didn't water the plant for one day and it dropped even more.
I use a different method where i water small amounts every day and gradually increase as they get bigger. But i guess i didn't increase enough.
No, you increased it enough.. you even added more after it was drooping.
We all told you to stop watering for a few days (at least) but you couldn't even go one day.

Quit drowning your baby! That poor little plant just wants to be left alone:cry: