Is this nutrient lockout?


Well-Known Member
So I am almost two weeks into my all water flush in my hydro setup and was thinking I would harvest soon but... In the past couple days white hairs have been popping up all over two of my plants. Should I continue to give them plain water or should i harvest the one without new hairs and give nutes to the other two again?

I should also add they seemed to stop growing over a month ago with small airy buds, but now Im supprised to see this much growth


bud bootlegger
sometimes new hairs show up.. this is why it's better to get a small handheld microscope from radio shack for about $15 or so and use it to look at the trics instead of trying to go by the looks of the pistils.. harvest when the trics are where you like them, for me it's about 50% amber and 50% cloudy or so..

a two week flush?? jesu.. i am not a believer in flushes to begin with but after reading a thread today called uncle bens garden tips and tweaks, he really drove home the importance of not flushing..
it was a pretty good read, only got up to around page ten of an over 100 page thread, but it's very informative and will probably make you rethink few things like it did me..


Well-Known Member
thanks racerboy, since im using synthetic nutes I wanted to try and get some of them out of the bucket and plant itself, so i thought flushing would help. But we shall see still my first grow


Well-Known Member
I harvest my plants like I pick avocados. I look for flowers that look nice and ripe. The top usually finishes before the side branches do so I like to pick those first. When I go to sample my buds and if I feel like maybe I picked to early, I just keep that in mind when I go to pick the side branches and the rest of your plant. If you keep feeding them water they'll be able to use the stored energy in the leaves in for a little while. I'm not sure how long they'll go in a DWC setup I'm guessing a week, but in potting mix or soil which is what I use, I can go a few weeks on just water since those mediums do a good job of holding onto the nutrients.