Is this nutrient burn?

I just tested the soil using a soil test kit I forgot I had. pH is in the range of 6-6.5. Would it be a good idea to add some lime next time I water? I have some Pennington fast acting lime.


Well-Known Member
6.0-6.4 locks out P, Ca and Mg. A flex of 6.4-6.6 hits all as pH shifts. Check this chart:

It seems as if my initial pic diagnosis was at least partially accurate given reported pH values.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, thanks. What would be the best way to raise pH? I have read that lime only affects the top part of the soil
Depends on the type of lime - use of dolomite lime would work just fine.. and the dolomite lime is also a good source and form of 'time release' cal/mag too. (very slow release) It can't release normal cal/mag doses, but will help keep a small amount en-route to the females.
Heres what the one plant looks like as of today. i know dolomite takes a while to become active in the soil, im just wondering if i should feed with alaska fish emulsion in a few days because i am going to be away for a week and not be able to care for them during that time. or should i just water thoroughly before i leave?



Well-Known Member
Don't throw so many changes at your plants. They move slow, like plants (lol). They don't like all this salt and nutes and lime and crazy poo at once - you gotta be chill w/ your ladies and listen to what they want; which, unlike regular women, usually isn't very much. Light, Water, Food (much of which is already in your soil!). If there's a problem, try one thing, wait three days, see if it's fixed. If it's not, try another method, one at a time.


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like I've been worrying for nothing. These looks like male preflowers to me. Can someone confirm?
Staminate primordia appear to be present.. unless i am just viewing the image completely wrong (or the fact that my glasses aren't on, and may be having focus issues) all 3 appear to have male preflower. If they've just appeared, would wait a few just to make sure as they can't magi-spawn and throw pollen overnight.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude. Were you high all through high school? Learn to use paragraphs. Wall of text is not likely to get many responses. Stoners are too lazy to read that shit.
notice how your unnecesary comment got no response until now..if your too stupid to add punctuation yourself and cant read it or are too lazy thats your problem nobody else that is interested seems to care, dont even know if you were talking to me or the other guy but your a troll, ok bye


Well-Known Member
yes thats a male...and also i noticed your growing in organic soil and added chem ferts....thats a big no no..when you add the chem ferts you kill some micro organisms and ruin the process going on in your soil that feeds your plants..once this is done it takes a good amount of time for your organic processes to get going strong again


Well-Known Member
not sure if you mentioned temperatures, but my guess is that its too hot in your room, and u prolly have a ventilation problem? and the soil looks kinda wood chippy. maybe its too loose of a soil and its not retaining enough moisture, combined with temperatures causing a lot of watering and there are build ups>? i mean you can grow weed healthy in any medium as long as you know how to keep up with it