Is this nutrient burn/deficiency or something else????


Active Member
Hey guys! I'm nine weeks in total and I'm the start of the fifth week of budding. I've been using foxfarm ocean soil, foxfarm nutes (grow big/tiger bloom), and I'm getting ready to start using foxfarm's cha-ching. I keep running into an issue though. My fan leaves are slowly starting to brown on the sides and curl inward. I'm pretty sure this is nutrient burn. The only problem is I'm only giving about a tablespoon of tiger bloom and the same of big bloom. Is this too much? It's pretty much what foxfarm is suggesting and from what I've read on here people seem to go WAY higher in ppm. Anyway just some info would be greatly appreciated. I've flushed a few times now and I'm getting ready to flush one final time before I start the cha-ching. I just want to figure this out before I pull out the "big guns" (cha-ching)


Active Member
looks like nute burn, other people may be using more of a particular nute soultion but it all depends on the plant and how it was introduced to the plant in the beginning, i count droplets when i first use nutes just to make sure the plants are not over done, i always rather give too little in the beginning rather than too much and i never go with manufacturers ratings. i have to give most of my plants different amounts of nutes because some are growing quicker than others with more vigour. i have a white berry that would neck it straight from the bottle if she could and a skunk that likes a dribble from the tit! both in the same enviroment , soil and watering schedule but both need different amounts.
back off on the nutes and get yourself a little syringe (without the sharp bit) to measure the nutes more accurateluy. plants look well though good luck with grow.


Active Member
Wonderful! Thank you just the news that I needed to hear. I think maybe i'll flush one more good time and start backing off on the nutes. So should I hold off on the strong stuff or use it but very very sparingly? Thank you again for the reply and good luck to you as well.


Active Member
start them onn the foxfarm base nutes and then when things are looking ok start them on the cha ching, but only at a lower dose, just use your own judgement. your doing a good job and you should listen to your own judgement as you already knew what the problem was. i know everyone is saying it at the minute but keep a good eye on your ph, it can get out of whack pretty quick at this stage of the grow.
all the best with it and your yield


New Member
have you ever had a spider problem with them plants the white specs in it looks like spidermites as well looks like the start of a overdose you might want to flush with water check your run off ppm / and ph