Is this N deficiency

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Not N deficient. That’s stress from overwatering. You’ve got a small plant in a big pot.

You can see how the leaves are droopy and puffy.

All that lime yellow new growth is most likely caused by absorption issues due to wet soil.

How much/ how often are you watering it?


New Member
Once a week with little to no run off but did water two days back to back this week because didn’t think I had given the plant enough! Thank you for your response man


New Member
I also mix my nuts into a 1 gallon sprayer an use that between the 5 plants an always have a lot of water left over in the sprayer


New Member
Let the soil dry out before you water next.
Thanks man I was lifting them when they were heavy an light to get a good idea an they felt rather lite at the time so might have just gave to much they have been looking amazing in 4 g fabric pots under 2 ts1000 in a 4x4 temp stays between 74 to 81 an humidity stay at 50 so glad it isn’t a nutrient problem