is this male?>???


Well-Known Member
Eh....its far but if its showing sex this early into flowering its probably a male.


Well-Known Member
i would chop it and make weed butter cause if those release pollen you will have to scrub the hell out of your grow room so you don't impregnate your babies next time around =)


Well-Known Member
Dude there are balls all over that plant! You can't see them? lol Chop it down ASAP. Those balls are well developed, I hope that you don't have any females within fifty feet of that male. Those balls are clustered together and look like they have released pollen already. If they haven't yet, they will be any MINUTE. GET RID OF IT!!!!


Well-Known Member
dry the plant out like you would if you were gunna smoke it. then cut or grind into smaller pieces and put some butter (real butter) into a pan with the same amount of water and bring to boil and add the plant material. boil and stir till the plants stuff turns a brown color and remove the plant material, drain the liquid out of the material. Strain the rest of it out and place in the fridge for 2 hours to let the fat separate. There will be a layer of canna butter and a layer of water, scoop out the butter and wallah you got yourself canna butter!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, i love this butter and use it whenever i get the chance, ie: toast and shit. I have better instructionals, twas just throwin it out there real quick like.