is this male or female?


Active Member
No way to tell. Seems too early...
Be patient. Flip the lights, then wait a week or two.
They will show. Just ripp the males before they bust, you've got plenty of time bro.


Well-Known Member
Welcome umhi, I say female. If you do an internet search, male/female cannabis pics. it will help, a great site here, but I did a lot of reading/ research before joining here it never hurts. GD LUCK ON GROW


Well-Known Member
soon she'll show.
IMO- it looks female. short internodal length like a female.
The males usually grow spindly with a long internodal length.
as mentioned, you'll know soon for sure in a week or two.


Awesome, I do appreciate it. for some reason I thought you could tell sex before flowering. But just like all things plants, I will just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
You can tell sex before flowering. Cut a clone, and place it under 12/12 lighting for a week or two. Presto, you now know male or female