Is this a problem?


Well-Known Member
Yes, i think that plants a hermie, i swear i can see a popped pollen sack, can you get me some more pics though? I could be wrong.


Active Member
Nahh... That's not a problem. One dried up pistil is not an indicator of any deficiency. They all end up looking like that. ;)

It's not a hermie, either.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a hermie to me still but to be honest i cant say that for 100% sure, watch it closely the next few days and get back to me on it with updated pics and i should be able to tell for sure.


Well-Known Member
look very closely in pic 3, you have to zoom in as much as possible, see that little semi-tear shaped growth w/o a pistil coming from it? their are 2 of them that im pretty sure are immature pollen sacks. and in the first pic you can see the little husk like remainder of a popped pollen sack I think.