Is this a Magnesium Problem? Another Opinion please.



I need someone with a little more experience to help me diagnose/confirm this leaf issue.

Please take a gander at the pics and see if you would agree that this is a magnesium deficiency? I would just like to make doubley sure I have diagnosed this correctly before I attempt to correct.


Again thanks to the group for all the great advise and assistance!

Good Growing


If it is a magnesium problem than another opinion on which treatment would be better:

a) I have just potted these clones... so the Pro-Mix is still quite moist hence I am a little nervous to resoak the Pro-Mix with an epsom salt solution....

b) Would it be better advise to treat this with a foliar magnesium (epsom salt) solution spray?


Member Thanks guys:lol:

If this helps at all, I am feeding with GH FloraNova Grow (7-4-10) + GH Floralicious Plus (2.8-0.8-0.02).

Also this is showing up on some newly potted clones AND some new Seedlings. All potted in Pro-Mix.

(Sry didnt know pic was slightly blurry till I upped it!)

So I know there is some sort of deficiency relatd to the nutes I have...


Well-Known Member
Is say mag def but I don't see the typical brown confetti looking spots on the leaves. Is your avatar a pic of a midgets brain? Freakin weird lol

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
It is clearly not mag def, mag def affests the less vascular parts of the leaves first. Cal def doesn't cause the leaf to turn yellow at all, except in the very last part of it's stage.

Calium def doesn't have to produce brown spots, yellow spots are just as significant and are actually the first step a cal def

Small spots on leaves always indicate: cal def, pests (more exactly, spider mites) or a pH problem.


Brown confetti spots u say mysticlown150?

You mean like this....



There is also some slight upward leaf tip curling going on too...


Hey Doc, I am 99% sure I can rule out spidies at the very least, I also like to grow Bonsai's so am pretty up on pest control.

However interestingly enough I did have a stint of PH issues a couple of weeks ago, but since have flushed all plants with proper ph water and re-nuted.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Then whe can go back to my initial assumption of cal def... the good news is, even if you think I'm not right, the treatment for cal def is exactly the same as the one for mag def, meaning: add cal-mag or molasses...


Really it treats both! How great is that:lol:!

Thank you very much Doc Cannabis, Mysticlown 150 and kotten148... bump!


Oh for sure I'm on with the molasses.
I also feed it to my outdoor garden too!

However, Sure Shot you have me a little concerned about your comment rgarding nutes. My clones that first showed this issue are 10" tall and yes I have been feeding them @ 1/4, 1/2 and now up to 3/4 recommended ratios.

The seedlings I have fed once at a 10% mixing ratio.

As I am growing in Pro-Mix is this not a correct way to feed in your opinion?

Much Appreciated,




Ahh I see it's the nutes themselves, now I got ya. I misunderstood and thought your meant feeding in general.

I will look into the lower feed you mention and thank you !



Well-Known Member
Man im glad there's a doc in the house wat would you do if nobody was around. List3n to me I have no training so I can't wright a book but I now a LITTLE about growing the herb with DWC # 1 is you have to have a nice big rubber made with cut out on the lid.
Maby 5 @ the most.,.For a small grow all you wanna get rich asssholes can kiss my ass. thiss lighting.. Do Not let any prankster talk you into a lightnany less than 400- wh. Second All I can say is I run 400 HID and S400 s Okynb asshole///////


Active Member
I am new to this, but I was having a issue that looked almost identical. Only thing is I am growing in hydro, but the issue I had was from my ppm being very high, started with little spots close to the leaf veins and slowly became larger until I figured out the issue and borrowed a ppm meter. My ph was always right on, so without the ppm meter I would never know. I use GH nutes micro and flora bloom, never flora grow since combined the N level is too high. But I don't grow in soil, so could be something else.