Is this a good kind of fertilizer to use?


I want to know if this is a good kind of fertilizer to use on my plants.
You place it directly into the soil. you DONT mix with water. let me know what you think.
thanks :)



Well-Known Member
No! Thats time realse stuff! that feeds up to so many mounths are activated by heat or water both are bad and will fry your plant, I have tried and failed once and never tried again. I used a diffrent brand but yea you mix it in with the soil and it will over fert. the plants.


Well-Known Member
use nutes that are water soluable.. they are instantly available to the plants.. plus if your over feed them accidently its easier to correct than if you use time release shit... you will end up leaching your soil for days on end to get the time release shit out of the soil (if your plants start getting nute burned) whereas if use water soluable "instant" nutes its a lot easier to leach out and save your plants...


Active Member
Time release nutes killed my father and raped my mother...

seriously though I don't even use that stuff on my normal garden let alone my valued plants...


Active Member
Look into the Fox Farm or GH Flora nute trio packs those are the type of nutes that will work well for you...they can be found at your local hydro shop or online if you want...