Is this a dumbass idea?


Right my original intention was to use bungie cords to hang my carbon filter in my tent. Now I'm having major problems with these because I don't have ones that are the right length. When thinking about it 2 ideas came to me.

1. Buy better bungie cords.

2. Hang a net at the top of my tent that my carbon filter can sit on.

Is number 2 a dumbass idea or do you think it would work??? In theory (and probably not in practice seeing as i have never done this before) I could actually position my carbon filter any where on the roof of my tent that I wanted. Looking for more experienced points of view on this one folks!


Well-Known Member
Or, if too long, simply double them. Or, if too short, use a couple more. Bet that filter generates little thrust. Hang it from the ceiling of the room.


cheers folks! Ganja sort of covered the multiple cord thing already but your suggestion gave me another idea that i'm going to try out. :)

Brimck325 thanks as well at least i know if i go down that route it has worked before!


Ha sorry Hotrodharley my last comment to Ganja was referring to you! My bad! I fixed it with the bungie cords. Hotrod made me think that instead of looping them round twice I can just loop it round once. Tie a knot and then it will hang with the bungie stretch. Might seem like a simple fix but I can have my moments of stupidity from time to time. Should have mentioned that I am only working in a 90cm by 90 cm by 180 cm tent. So trying to keep it away from directly above the lights etc. Thought I'd start of small scale to learn the craft and then go from there. I'd rather perfect things before I try converting my whole house into a giant green house... don't think the girlfriend will let me do that though :(


Well-Known Member
zip ties. I've been using the same ones to hold my carbon filter for 2 years. Not one issue. Or hemp twine. That shit is amazingly strong.


billy haha. I was thinking more a long the lines of several spaced out dosages of rohypnol over the period of 3 - 4months!

Zip ties are genius!!! Didn't think about speaker wire either and I have that in abundance although my bungies will do fine now... tbh though I think in the future I'm probably just gonna go for the zip ties. Cheers folks appreciate your help.