Is there any way to figure out bag-seed type?


Is there any way to tell from the plants different characteristics what type of plant it may be besides from the obvious indica or sativa? I'm growing a bag-seed I got from some pretty decent stuff. Just started flowering about 4-5 days ago, check out a picture of it here:


^ This is the most recent picture...

Here is a few older ones:


Give it your best shot, i'm not that crazy about figuring it out. Just curious...



Well-Known Member
Unless you have a good idea of where the seeds came from you can't, you can pretty much make-up the name and people will believe you and I doubt that there's too many people who could tell the difference just by looking anyways
Unless you have a good idea of where the seeds came from you can't, you can pretty much make-up the name and people will believe you and I doubt that there's too many people who could tell the difference just by looking anyways
Thanks for the great info guys!


Well-Known Member
Once dried and will have certain aspects/characteristics that will give you a better idea of what it is


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Quick question, will an air purifier do the trick for smell alongside some ona gel?
That will depend on several factors...size of room, ventilation and strain, etc etc. If you're that concerned think about getting carbon filters, there are many posts dedicated to this and they might help more or have more info for you...good luck