Is there a Federal Agency that Trump hasn't taken control of?


Well-Known Member
Haha kid. That’s funny, and as inaccurate as the rest of your babble.

It‘s ok to have vastly differing views on a subject and debate it. You know you’ve made a valid point or argument when the other gets mad or gets personal. Y’all START at mad and throw personal insults.

It’s funny to watch folks blinded by unwarranted, uneducated hate. Must suck and be so stressed living every day like that.

Anyway, I’ll bow out of this tail chasing with you. ✌ Enjoy your Monday


Well-Known Member
Haha kid. That’s funny, and as inaccurate as the rest of your babble.

It‘s ok to have vastly differing views on a subject and debate it. You know you’ve made a valid point or argument when the other gets mad or gets personal. Y’all START at mad and throw personal insults.

It’s funny to watch folks blinded by unwarranted, uneducated hate. Must suck and be so stressed living every day like that.

Anyway, I’ll bow out of this tail chasing with you. ✌ Enjoy your Monday
so far you haven't had one educated response to any of my valid points.
which doesn't surprise me.


Well-Known Member you know how many he started or funded that didn’t? How about the Average Number of companies in general that start and don’t make it?

No you don’t because you couldn’t take the time to research that number could you.

Sometimes you purchase assets to shut them down, The company I work for does it all the time, if you work for a national company they do too, but I suppose your masters in business told you otherwise.

Yall are funny. If the echo chamber isn’t working you don’t know what to do.

Not one single fact or actual policy anyone can stand behind. Just pokes at the person disagreeing. Good luck in November, of course I’d bet my next bonus check 90% of y’all won’t vote...just bitch about the outcome.

I get it.... you don’t like him. So be it, we’ll see how things turn out.

Peace to y’all that can have a difference and discuss. to those that are all personal insults and full of dumbass.
Nah I don't think you are a bot. This was a halfway decent post. You could just be a 'cyborg' through and here to troll us. It is impossible to know, so I will choose to believe you about being a vet and traveling the world.

Still all the above is just supposition about what Trump wants his cult to believe is my guess. Because Trump is screwed. You can't just inflate your wealth to get loans. And he doesn't get to hide from a state subpoena per the SCOTUS.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose we can look at the facts OR go with your feelings. Take away the global pandemic, look at real numbers and make your decision.

Trump says and tweets stupid crap and is an ass....but looking at numbers from minority employment down the line and the “Douche bag” gets it done. What he “says“ has no bearing on your life, what he actually does probably benefitted you in the last 4 whether or not you want to admit it.

But look at the facts and not the actual, not reported voting history, the policies Actually put in place by the ones you promote To take his place and vote with your heart.

would I smoke a blunt with, but he can keep running the business of the government as far as I’m concerned.
I hope you don't mind paying the deficit.


Well-Known Member you know how many he started or funded that didn’t? How about the Average Number of companies in general that start and don’t make it?

No you don’t because you couldn’t take the time to research that number could you.

Sometimes you purchase assets to shut them down, The company I work for does it all the time, if you work for a national company they do too, but I suppose your masters in business told you otherwise.

Yall are funny. If the echo chamber isn’t working you don’t know what to do.

Not one single fact or actual policy anyone can stand behind. Just pokes at the person disagreeing. Good luck in November, of course I’d bet my next bonus check 90% of y’all won’t vote...just bitch about the outcome.

I get it.... you don’t like him. So be it, we’ll see how things turn out.

Peace to y’all that can have a difference and discuss. to those that are all personal insults and full of dumbass.
I'll bet 100% of my social security check I vote! Thanks by the way.


Well-Known Member
you're a non smart. he lost a billion in the 90's when everybody made money. and he got it back by borrowing it.

why don't you borrow a billion and then you'll be a real billionaire like trump.

you should have stayed in school, kid.
First you visit Russia. Then you inflate the value of your properties. Then borrow or over sell to Russian buyers who never move in. Hypothetically.