Is something wrong with my plant


Active Member
Yep, they are sativas. I live in Finland. I check about that lighting, i'm quite sure i have some powersaving lamps here already.


Well-Known Member
so, yeah. that halogen lamp was the source of your pains. i started out with the same kinda crap lights. a halogen floodlight and some lamps.. i got my problems corrected, and i was farther along than you. i ended up junking all the plants from that batch and starting a couple more seeds.

the plant i have now was under those lights for maybe a week before i got some decent lights. the other 2 i planted went male. my plant was stretched pretty bad too, i took it and kinda tied a knot in it to make it shorter. i have pics somewhere of it twisted up, and now the base of the stem looks like a tightly curled pretzel. i doubt it did anything for it other than dropping its height a little and stablizing it when it was young.

i found the pics, these are from my horrindous start. and what came of it..

the first one shows how bad it was... second is of the twisty stem after i got some decent lights. third shows another shot the twisty stem one, before, is in the top right corner i think. and last shows that plant a couple days ago. not bad for such a shabby start id say.




Well-Known Member
ya man you need Compact Flouresent Lights like these

for the phase your in the Veging phase you need to try to get compact flouresent lights that are daylight type when its time to flower your plant so it can make buds you switch the bulbs to a bulb with more reddish in it to imitate the harvest sun

u need to go to the top of this page on the top left and read the grow Faq it will have all the answers you require

after some reading you will be very informed


Active Member
Thank you SO much for your help (all of you). I bought some fluorescent lights today. Let's see what happens when I change those lights. Maybe my plants starts to love me, when i give them some seaweed-extract blended in water. I've heard that's good for them.


Well-Known Member
for now 1 bulb will do but if your going to use those kind of lights to grow the plant the whole time you need to get eventually like 5 - 10 of them all around the plant

if you wanna grow well and the proper way you must buy and HPS light

150 Watt Systems

Our 150 Watt HTG Supply grow light Systems Include:
  • <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">HTG Supply 150 Watt Magnetic Ballast <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Your Choice of Reflector / Hood
  • Your Choice of Bulbs / Lamps
Customize the system with your choice of bulbs and reflectors.
$69.75HTGSupply 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow LightIncludes: HTGSupply 150 watt HPS Ballast, Compact 4-sided Reflector, 10’ Socket/Cord Set, HTGSupply 150w HPS Bulb


Well-Known Member
Thank you SO much for your help (all of you). I bought some fluorescent lights today. Let's see what happens when I change those lights. Maybe my plants starts to love me, when i give them some seaweed-extract blended in water. I've heard that's good for them.

ya they will be fine getting them to sprout is really the hardest part


Well-Known Member
depends on many things. with cfls at most your probably lookin at 2 oz. unless you really know what your doin. in Budsforless one of our moderators pulls 3ozs of 1 mango using cfls. obviously garden knowm is a pro. im hoping for maybe an oz from my hermi . maybe ill be suprised and get more.


PS fyi the most ive seen from a plant period is about 100oz.... FDD pulled that of one plant but hes like the Achilles of outdoor growin
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Active Member
Yes, i'm not expecting a massive load of smokeable weed and bud, I was just wondering. It's obvious that you get more bud&leafes when you invest some money to fans, lamps etc.


Well-Known Member
You got it if you are not expecting a massive load of smokeable weed ..
then its most likely youve been happy with it lol Good luck man


Well-Known Member
im no expert on plant problems, but id say something ate it. probably some little bug. i may be wrong, wish i could help more.

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Active Member
I've checked the plant with a magnifier everywhere, and i can spot any bug on it. What the heck....? Could someone help me. It feels really bad that this is the first plant i've ever managed to grow (Yes, my previous tomato, lettuce and mint tryings has been unsuccesful.), and now some fucker is eating it!!!