is she ready yet? [ HD pics ]


Active Member
so its been about 2 weeks since my last post and was wondering if she is ready yet. i vegged her for one month. she is 15 weeks into flowering as of today. in a closet with 2 others 12/12 from seed... anyway my sativa thats nearing harvest has showed these signs:... many big and small leafs yellow than fall off, smell increased, flowers grew much bigger/compact with more calyxes and id say 75% of pistils have turn amber. rapid trichome production.... i have an HD camera but no tripod. there has to be no movement for a 100% clrear i tried my best by hand its hard to tell by the pics if the trichomes are at peak. however i harvested the smallest flower on the lowest branch and it gave me a light 45 min buzz not even properly dried. 4 of the lowest branches were removed to spike growth upwards. i know the main cola will take few days more than lower flowers. i would give her a week max until harvest??


Active Member
not yet. if u can, it probably wouldnt hurt to buy some snow storm for sugaar production. just mo


Active Member
All most ready it is looking good are you flushing right now, if not you knead to start. Looks like a week or so.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
15 weeks really? What strain is it?

The trichs still look clear to me, I would assume they will be ready in the next week or so. Continue flushing and let her use up the rest of her energy.


Active Member
yea shes 15 weeks flowering. bagseed and looks to be a pure sativa. anyone else have input? also when i flush, should i use PH up? one time? or does it not matter at this point? ( i find with a raised PH in soil, the water drains much faster)


Well-Known Member
yea shes 15 weeks flowering. bagseed and looks to be a pure sativa. anyone else have input? also when i flush, should i use PH up? one time? or does it not matter at this point? ( i find with a raised PH in soil, the water drains much faster)
if you mess with the ph to much youll end up damaging the plant best thing to do is just water it with clear water for another week or so. i find with most marijuana plants its the last couple of weeks where they explode in growth


Active Member
thanks! .. il leave the PH alone. i have britta filtered water ive been using my entire grow. il start flushing today. i would say the flowers put on all thier weight already and for the past couple days when i cheak her each morning there really isnt any noticeable changes. i hope i harvest on time!! its been a very long wait!


Well-Known Member
crazy that its 15 weeks.. Is there a light leak? If I was you Id cut the lighting down to 10 on 14 off. Do not chop yet, there are too many white pistils. Give it another week or so..


Active Member
light leeks through my closet doors but its not a big deal. its very bright inside my white painted closet. and pure sativas will take up too 16 weeks til harvest. i plan on chopping her no more than 7 days from now. i may leave the main cola in tact for an extra couple days.


Well-Known Member
In my own experience, I've noticed the main cola is the first thing done, because it recieves the most light. But maybe thats only true with h.d. lighting..


Well-Known Member
light leeks through my closet doors but its not a big deal. its very bright inside my white painted closet. and pure sativas will take up too 16 weeks til harvest. i plan on chopping her no more than 7 days from now. i may leave the main cola in tact for an extra couple days.
You are harvesting way too early man, I wouldn't even consider cutting her down for another 2-3 weeks. Here is a good thread about when to harvest:


Well-Known Member
I agree completely. You're only hurting yourself. You put in, what like 5 months into this plant? Why not give it some extra time at the most critical time in the plants life.. Nice job though!


Active Member
thanks for all the help, i appreciate it. the lower flower regons on my plant will be ready befor the main cola. ive never seen this befor either. btw i am using HID lighting. a 400watt hps. also in my opinion i DO NOT think 2-3 more weeks sounds correct. all the signs of harvest have been showing. every day more leafs yellow n fall off, pistils are 80% amber or more at this point. growth has stopped. aroma increased. etc... ive had many successful outdoor grows so im not a newb. im new to indoor cultivation. ive talked to Leagal growers and they tell me the internet can be inaccurate and unreliable at times. i just like re-assurance. perfect example is i was being told 2 weeks ago i have 2-3 weeks left til harvest and now im being told basically the same thing lol im almost at 16 weeks flower ( 5 months old ) with my experience i think i have 1 week to 10 days MAX until harvest.


Well-Known Member
ill accept 10 days.. Of course the internet can be unreliable. But for 100% sure, those plants are not done. The pistils should receed into the bud. Then you are done.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help, i appreciate it. the lower flower regons on my plant will be ready befor the main cola. ive never seen this befor either. btw i am using HID lighting. a 400watt hps. also in my opinion i DO NOT think 2-3 more weeks sounds correct. all the signs of harvest have been showing. every day more leafs yellow n fall off, pistils are 80% amber or more at this point. growth has stopped. aroma increased. etc... ive had many successful outdoor grows so im not a newb. im new to indoor cultivation. ive talked to Leagal growers and they tell me the internet can be inaccurate and unreliable at times. i just like re-assurance. perfect example is i was being told 2 weeks ago i have 2-3 weeks left til harvest and now im being told basically the same thing lol im almost at 16 weeks flower ( 5 months old ) with my experience i think i have 1 week to 10 days MAX until harvest.
If you think that you only have a week left than you are highly mistaken bro, you are going to be chopping it prematurely. You are going to end up with light fluffy premature bud which is not a success in my eyes. I would have told you to wait that long if I wasn't certain that that is the time it needs to properly finish. You have put all this time and money into it so far just to chop early and get low quality bud? Is it me or does that seem a little silly?

Do what you want man but I can tell you right now that the plant will not be finished in 10 days. And whoever told you 2 weeks ago that it needed 2-3 weeks more was just as inexperienced at harvesting at the correct time as you are. Not trying to be mean just stating a fact

edit: Now do you want buds that look like this, obviously ready for harvest:

Or do you want young underage buds like this:

I want to smoke buds not pistils, maybe it is the opposite for you I don't know


Well-Known Member
I think 16 weeks is WAYYY to long, even for a pure sativa. Especially when you only have what looks like 2 plants under an HID. You either have a light leak or the light has been kept too high from the plant. Not saying it doesnt look good... it does, but it is a bit spindly and weird little side buds start growing out of normal buds it's not growing like it should as that first pic shows.