Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Greatest I am

Active Member
Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Bishop Spong indicated that we Christians should not perceive God as a God who demands barbaric acts like human sacrifice to appease his sense of justice. He uses the term child abuse and I just call it more of what it would be if the myth was real; murder.

I say needlessly because God has no needs. He only has wants and no decent God would want to needlessly sacrifice his son.

If a Sacrifice were required, God would not send a boy to do a man’s job and he would be man enough to step up himself.

If you were to dare judge this issue or scenario of God, --- knowing that he planned to have Jesus sacrificed even before creating the potential for sin, would you find God criminally liable for child abuse and murder?



Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Nah man it's perfectly fine and legal. I sacrifice babies aaaaall the time, the best part is trying to figure out different ways to do it. Microwave is my all time fucking faaaavorite.

1 star... thread flop.

Greatest I am

Active Member
Nah man it's perfectly fine and legal. I sacrifice babies aaaaall the time, the best part is trying to figure out different ways to do it. Microwave is my all time fucking faaaavorite.

1 star... thread flop.
I am pleased that you are not in the Christian line up that plans to try to profit from the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty.

Your thread judgement is poor but your morals seem better than the average Christian.



Assuming the existence of the christian god; First one must ask this question "Who is qualified to pass judgement, and more importantly, who is capable of enforcing judgement on an omnipotent being?".

God asexually created the essence and spirit of jesus(Sperm) from himself and placed it in a fertile womb(Mary's) using 'angels' to facilitate this.. kind of like nurses assisting a doctor.

Normally you would consider the rights of the mother, once again not possible to logically do so when the same being that has impregnated her has also created her and everything she knows and will ever know. (The morality of impregnation without informed consent is another one to consider.)

Accepting all these assertions, I would find Yahweh morally guilty of murder as the least of his crimes against humanity; Given you cannot enforce judgement or penalty on something that is intangible, logically, you can only then go after his accomplices. Considering that a 'Mob Boss' who places a bounty on the life of someone is using his money to murder instead of his own hands, he is still responsible for that life, while those that killed for him are just as responsible for murder.

The only logical course of action is to pursue those who would murder for this known criminal if compelled to on their own, or encouraged by those who 'represent the divine on earth'.

This is a free crazy/sane Christianity Test, ask yourself the following: "If God asked me to kill my neighbor, would I do it? How about a stranger? What about my enemies? Would I kill them for God?" If you answered yes to any of these you are insane and I strongly advise you seek professional psychiatric help; Or, ask this question: "If everyone on earth walked around doing what they heard god telling them to do, what would happen?"

Worse yet, omnipotence precludes anything but first degree, methodical, planned to precise detail murder.