is my sweet tooth done?

I agree, looks great. If you do not have a 'scope to check the trichomes, I would just go ahead and chop, she looks done.


Well-Known Member
pictures only tell us so much...we can't really bust through it and stick our eyeball on your plant bro...but yeah she looks much as that means :D


Active Member
well grab a jewelers loop or magnifying glass and look at trichomes and if they are amber and cloudy chop ya ladies down, if not wait another week :)


Well-Known Member
im old school..... and when you dont have a tool to check your trichs i live by this motto.... "if it looks done give it another week or so"


Active Member
im old school..... and when you dont have a tool to check your trichs i live by this motto.... "if it looks done give it another week or so"
the last one i harvested off my first grow was a reject plant i mistook for having bud rot when near the end of flowering the smell went weird. i kept her in the living room for a couple weeks. all in all probably left her bout 2 weeks longer than what i would of. fuck me i was ruined from that stuff.

an extra day late wont ruin ur smoke but bein too early is just depressing


Well-Known Member
I just hold my bud under the lights and take a good deep look into the trichomes. If you see a lot of "diamondish glittering" the trichomes are still clear giving the shining effect. As the bud matures you see this glittering be less and less untill some day it's just not shining but more of a white look. (some sativas will keep making clear trichomes so you might have to harvest before the shining is ALL gone. I have a microscope but don't use it for determining ripeness anymore.
All this being said i think your bud looks like it's ready, but you want to harvest ripe trichomes.