Is my plant male or female


hey everyone, grew this one as a seedling like all my others, hoping this one could potentialy be my mother plant.(Really hoping:hump:) anyways i heard that you can pre-flower your plant by switching it to 12-12 until the flowers start to aprear.

The only thing is, I can't figure out when would be the best time to do this. As I said I am hoping that this one will be the one I keep in veg mode and use clipping from, so I don't want to waste time if it's a male.

Here are a few pics of the plant I am trying to figure out the sex.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have. :peace:


[email protected]

Well-Known Member
i cant see in the pics but from the size im guessin you r going to be waiting a little while longer. i wont put it on 12 yet when you are starting from seed it is always better to let them preflower on their own to avoid stressing them. and if you switch it then you will have to switch it back to veg if you plan on keeping it. just let nature run its course. you will find out soon enough.


when you say you cant tell by looking at the pic.. what is it exactly that you look at to tell, i thought i could see pre-flowers for a while but then it just started to branch out more and more. lol always a good thing of course. anyways i thought i knew how to spot pre-flowers but i'm starting to wonder.

you say to let the plant takes it's natural course, im giving it cfl lighting besides the times where the sun is nice and strong. i give it 20-4. will it still be observable which sex it is or are there chances i might just be growing a male for a while?


Well-Known Member
What he means by "I can't see in the pics" is that your not zoomed in enough on what matters. Your pictures don't show nearly enough detail to judge male or female. He also says that you have to "wait a while longer" because the plant is still young. Since your doing 20-4 lighting the plant won't start to show preflowers for a couple months. If you switch to 12/12 you will know sooner, 1-4 weeks. You don't want to switch to early though, otherwise you won't have a very large plant at harvest.

So to answer your question... Yes, you might have to grow a male for awhile before you find out.

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
ok when your plant starts to sex you can look at the nodes and right by where your stem is growing you will see either somthing with two white hairs or you will see a tiny pod on a tiny stem that later will look like a bunch of grapes. im sure if you look it up on here you will find some good pics to go by. now when you start from seed you are pretty much going to have to go with the flow and allow the plant to go the process of aging and sexxing. you do not want to through a plant started from seed in to flower until it is ready trust me it is just not right, dont force her that is RAPE. you want be patient and let it run its course for the best possible outcome. once you start to mess with the plant internal clock before it is ready you really put it in a tough spot and then it is going to return the favor by giving you a poor harvest and more then likely some(if its a female) ball sacks hanging around, a hermie. not a good thing. my advice is to look up a couple threads about sexxing plants, study up on what to look for and get a good feel for it. you might want to also look at some grow journals and get a good base knowledge and then after all that it could be time to sex you plants and you will be an expert at it so there will be no guessing. if you have any more questions after looking them up im sure people will be glad to help. good luck