Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunatily some people elevate themselves at the expense of others. You ask any male and he knows ( and cringes at ) that asshole., but the telling fact is that these meglomaniacs wouldn't say shit to a guy......even if he had a mouthfull of it........
Without one we wouldn't have the other Peace :)


Active Member
Appreciated on several counts, "Clueless". This is not, however, an exclusively white phenomenon. Males of many, many and ethnicities do this. I just REALLY didn't expect it from a bunch of heads.
I needed to expand on my thoughts (my fingers don't keep up with them). I was getting at the fact everyone has to behave differently than white men when "out in the world" working, socializing, etc (IMO). I'm actually embarrased to be a male at times. I just can't understand why they would choose to act this way. It is possible to be straight, strong and opinionated without acting like an ass.

My father is an alcoholic. When growing up, he could be a very nice person when he was properly inebriated. Unfortunately, he was an absolute jackass when he was sober. I guess every subculture has their share. I'd be curious to know what share of these comments are being said by individuals that are high vs. those that are sober.



Active Member
Unfortunatily some people elevate themselves at the expense of others. You ask any male and he knows ( and cringes at ) that asshole., but the telling fact is that these meglomaniacs wouldn't say shit to a guy......even if he had a mouthfull of it........
Without one we wouldn't have the other Peace :)
Sadly true...


Well-Known Member
Interesting.. I'd never thought of it that way. Of course, I don't have your perspective.

Damn.. it's cooling off, better go put on something a little warmer.


Well-Known Member
Policemen who attack or threaten women should be subject to stronger sentences.
No. They should make be sentenced to equal sentences, and all those sentences should be greater. I agree with what you are conveying, but I do dislike it when people talk about equality and then want "more equalness" for the side they are arguing for. Similar to reverse racism. In America, someone who started a White TV channel would be crucified for their racism and hatred, but the Black TV channel is alive and well.


New Member
Guys are scared by strong women. Most boys were raised on mommas nipple.You must understand that men really will do wierd things to dominate women,because they think women will feel they are tough, or manly.
I myself stay real chill and call them junebug often. I've never had to rasie the pimp hand, which often glows like a lightsaber when waved in the air.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've gotta ask. I mean, I'm a big girl, I know it exists. I'm just blown away by some of the bullshit posts by people who are supposed to be FOR rights and equality, you know, as POTHEADS.
I'd really like to know what's up with this. Why do some of you folks love to bash on women so hard? Why do you like to call us whores and liars, why advocate hitting us? Why do you have such an attitude towards ALL women?
(There IS no difference between girls and women besides that of age, either.)

I don't see any women on here bashing men in anything resembling this same manner, and if I did, I'd be calling them on it. Some guys are assholes, some women are assholes, but not ALL of them.

Why are some of you so damned quick to jump that train?
HoLE looks on the side of tracks for pot,,,,,,,as the train goes by:blsmoke::peace:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Good on you, Hole, you ride your own train. :) Speaking of growing, I've got another batch of hatchlings need planting today.

i had to look this word up, i thought it might of been some kind of a fetish.
any other dummies wondering? Misogyny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Awesome.. may I assume that I've expanded someone's vocabulary today? :) My grandmother once gave me a quote from someone that she'd written down.. it went something like this:
The limits of my language define the limits of my world.

Now, the one that I had trouble with was a single word for those who hate men. Misandrony I think it is.


New Member
Good on you, Hole, you ride your own train. :) Speaking of growing, I've got another batch of hatchlings need planting today.

Awesome.. may I assume that I've expanded someone's vocabulary today? :) My grandmother once gave me a quote from someone that she'd written down.. it went something like this:
The limits of my language define the limits of my world.

Now, the one that I had trouble with was a single word for those who hate men. Misandrony I think it is.
Isnt that going to be hard to do with all the washing and cooking you must be doing on a sunday?


Well-Known Member

You know what's really funny? I was brought up to be career woman, and instead found myself and my heart in being the best stay-at-home mom I could be. MAN did my mom and sisters dish me some SHIT over that! "Oh, you're just a housewife, what would you know about <fill in the blank>_____________?" :?


Would ya believe my old man doesn't like for me to do his laundry? He likes to do his own. Am I not getting his whites white enough? :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yep, misogyny is completely and totally alive and well within the growing/smoking community.

So, to the mods, does the site tolerate this type of hate speech? Or is it just racism that's a problem? This is but one example, and as one of the few women here (or at least one of the few who's out with the fact that she's a woman) I find this absolutely patently completely and totally offensive. I think each and every person who displays this kind of hatred should get an infraction. Oh, and this is just one thread like this.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Maybe because they haven't met the right woman.If a man met a woman who didn't put up with his shit, he might be tempted to shut up.I saw that thread...rape the bitch, kill the she narced on you, anything you do will probably get used against you, too.Lay low, and maybe in a year have a girl kick her ass,lol.I see the misogynysts rear their heads a lot around here, and I don't think they even know how ignorant their comments make them sound.Many of them are young and dumb, and unfortunately haven't been taught shit.I'm all for equality.Which means I don't want you to show me deference simply because I'm a woman.However, don't hate me simply for that fact.Joking is one thing,and I can take that.But some of the venom that is displayed towards women here is mind boggling.I thought we were supposed to be past all this in America?Maybe when and if they can understand a woman is not just a thing to be used to satisfy their sexual urges,(and both men AND women should realize this)we can get somewhere.
Yep, misogyny is completely and totally alive and well within the growing/smoking community.

So, to the mods, does the site tolerate this type of hate speech? Or is it just racism that's a problem? This is but one example, and as one of the few women here (or at least one of the few who's out with the fact that she's a woman) I find this absolutely patently completely and totally offensive. I think each and every person who displays this kind of hatred should get an infraction. Oh, and this is just one thread like this.


Well-Known Member
I thought that pot growers and stoners were supposed to be so much more "advanced" than that. It's a rather archaic, Cro Magnon stance if you ask me (can't denigrate Neanderthals, they were probably a pretty smart bunch). Not to mention completely hypocritical of people who want more freedoms.

Like I said to medicineman, the racial barrier is FAR easier to both cross and break than the sexual barrier. Fortunately fdd saw the thread and closed it down. Maybe some of those boys got the hint.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Some may, but a lot of them have a long journey ahead before they can undo the attitudes that have been ingrained in them.
I thought that pot growers and stoners were supposed to be so much more "advanced" than that. It's a rather archaic, Cro Magnon stance if you ask me (can't denigrate Neanderthals, they were probably a pretty smart bunch). Not to mention completely hypocritical of people who want more freedoms.

Like I said to medicineman, the racial barrier is FAR easier to both cross and break than the sexual barrier. Fortunately fdd saw the thread and closed it down. Maybe some of those boys got the hint.