Is Life a Dream?


Well-Known Member
what if we're dreamin of life or what if God's dreamin us (dis might cause migrains). im not entirely certain of dis particular issue but i've been ponderin dis for about a few yrs now. i red in da hagakure dat one would live out their life as if they were dead an dat dying iz awakenin from "reality", dats we get lifted or do hallucinegens we see things dat we do not fully understan because we are taken somewhere else mentally an spiritually. we feel, respond, interact an age but how can we really define life for all dat it iz. hmm... i bet evrybody thinks i saw da matrix too much. jus let me kno what you think.


Well-Known Member
I think people should see this for the lighthearted 'what if' stoner statement it is, and refrain from flaming you for your non-logic and deplorable grammar.

If you want a serious response, there is no evidence or plausible reason to believe anything you said is true. It may be interesting as a brain teaser, but it has no value as an explorable claim.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
You must have seen Inception recently this thought is part of the movie but I wouldn't count on it. Another point I will bring up for you to think about is: When we dream, for the most part, we do not remember our dreams or what happened. I know I don't. So, if you want to compare this theory/thought to what we believe as reality, then if there is something after death, we will not remember it (obviously i have no idea and I am not saying there is or is not something after death and weather or not we would remember our life, but if we are comparing life to a dream let us assume that we would not remember anything, like a dream). This is something I ponder sometimes. Even if there is something after death, if we do not carry our memories with us than does it really matter?


Hey Nevasmoked out if your really interested in this type of stuff you should look into existentialism you won't regret it. People have been pondering life since the start of time. Why? Is a question that is applicable to every situation

Alex Kelly

Active Member
These are the hardest questions we will face in life as we will not know the answer until life is over. Or we may never know. Thinking about these things gives me more "feeling" and gives me more of a rush than any drug. Good or bad. It's good to be a person that can ask these types of questions and not just say oh well, whatever, and move on. IMO that is something that really seperates people.


Active Member
what if we're dreamin of life or what if God's dreamin us (dis might cause migrains). im not entirely certain of dis particular issue but i've been ponderin dis for about a few yrs now. i red in da hagakure dat one would live out their life as if they were dead an dat dying iz awakenin from "reality", dats we get lifted or do hallucinegens we see things dat we do not fully understan because we are taken somewhere else mentally an spiritually. we feel, respond, interact an age but how can we really define life for all dat it iz. hmm... i bet evrybody thinks i saw da matrix too much. jus let me kno what you think.

Yes this is all a dream. It is time to wake up and realize that you just failed your grammar test. You will also be surprised when you wake up and realize that your a white kid from the suburbs and should quit talking like your from the ghetto.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is all a dream. It is time to wake up and realize that you just failed your grammar test. You will also be surprised when you wake up and realize that your a white kid from the suburbs and should quit talking like your from the ghetto.
Shit, even if he really talks like that, there's no reason to type like that and make it hard for other people to read.
The only rational reason to type in ghetto English is for some sort of script or quoting someone when you want the language to come across to the reader, otherwise you just end up sounding like an ignorant asshole.


Shit, even if he really talks like that, there's no reason to type like that and make it hard for other people to read.
The only rational reason to type in ghetto English is for some sort of script or quoting someone when you want the language to come across to the reader, otherwise you just end up sounding like an ignorant asshole.
i feel ya playa..i aint trippin of your question...but your reasoning behind it is kinda far out homie..
is life a dream?? what's a dream? lol


Well-Known Member
I think people should see this for the lighthearted 'what if' stoner statement it is, and refrain from flaming you for your non-logic and deplorable grammar.

If you want a serious response, there is no evidence or plausible reason to believe anything you said is true. It may be interesting as a brain teaser, but it has no value as an explorable claim.
Ahmen, good to know there is other intelligence around here.


Active Member
This is a question that will make some people go insane. if u wanna do urself a favor drop it and pretend life is all you got. because only a few people can discover the secrets to the dream without losing their grip on reality. which i almost did! barely made it back. but i'll tell you, life is a dream because you are the creator of your own reality. so live it the best way you can, and do the best for mankind and try to leave the world better than it was when you came.


Well-Known Member

I'm sweating, and breathing
and staring and thinking
and sinking deeper.
It's almost like I'm swimming.

The sun is burning hot again
on the hunter and the fisherman,
and he's trying to remember when,
but it makes him dizzy.

Seems like I've been here before.
Seems so familiar.
Seems like I'm slipping
into a dream within a dream.
Must be the way you whisper.

The sun is setting cool again.
I'm the thinker and the fisherman
and I'm trying to remember when
but it makes me dizzy.

And I'm sweating, and breathing,
and staring and thinking
and sinking deeper
and it's almost like I'm swimming.

Seems like I've been here before.
Seems so familiar.
Seems like I'm slipping
into a dream within a dream.
It's the way you whisper.
It drags me under and takes me home.


life is a dream because you are the creator of your own reality.
This statement reminds me of the pseudoscientific book titled "The Secret" and the movie titled "What the BLEEP Do We Know". I feel sorry for the people who actually believe in this junk.