is it too late...


Active Member
So, I recently aquired about 2 seeds of 3 different strains. I only have 1 plant growing outside right now but I was wodnering if the season was too late to do another plant. I would assume that it would be able to mature in time for the flowering season but just looking for a guestimate of how much yield i could get or any at all. Thanks! First grow :p


Well-Known Member
Not very much,how big is the plant you have growing now?It might be easier to take some clones from it.good luck


Active Member
it's pretty small. it's maybe about 6 inches tall but i planted it deeper into the soil cause i wanted it to grow straighter. so it's maybe 3 inches high.

but my question was if i were to plant them now (they're in germination) how much yield could i potentially get? i know they wont be as big but say 2 months worth of vegetation before flowering.

and i wanted to grow these other plants instead of cloning because they're a variety of strains, i just wanted samples of each one.