Is it ready yet?

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Ok guys so im getting fed up of a room full of plants that were messed up when i went away at xmas, These anywhere near do you rekon? cuz i wanna start a fresh!

Pics below

S7300568.jpg S7300573.jpg S7300574.jpg S7300575.jpg S7300579.jpg


Well-Known Member
Have you checked out your trichomes?????From the pics it's kinda hard to see but they still don't look done to me.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
pending on the type of high you want. the milker the trichromes more energetic high more amber more of a couch lock high and you eat the house up.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Sorry, not ready yet. Roughly I'ld say another week. You will be far more satisfied if you wait, trust me.

Brick Top

New Member
pending on the type of high you want. the milker the trichromes more energetic high more amber more of a couch lock high and you eat the house up.

That is what I was going to say. If you want more of a head high take them when the trichs are mostly milky and if you want a couch lock high do the mostly amber thing. If you want a mix harvest part of the plant when the trichs are mostly milky and the rest when mostly amber. If you do that be sure to keep track of what is what so when you want one over the other you know what is what.

Either way dry it right and cure it right. Don’t be in a rush to toke! Proper drying and curing will help ensure maximum potency of the marijuana you have grown. Marijuana is not fully potent just after harvest. Some of the THC is in a non-psychoactive acidic form. Drying marijuana the right way will convert the non-psychoactive acidic compounds into psychoactive THC. That is of course what you want so don’t skip any bases, hit them all and get the most you can from what you get.

Also harvest as early in the day as you can. Sunlight/grow light will degrade the THC a little each day and then it strengthens again at night so you don’t want to harvest after a long day in the sun or after being under your lights all day. Harvest as early in the day as you can and if you are positive that you will harvest following morning but think there is some chance that you might be held up unplug your lights, if you are growing indoors, so they do not come on and run for a good while before you can harvest.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... I am wanting the couch lock lolbut sayin that this grow went bad at xmas so i just want it out so new can go in! lol ill give it another week see how we go!

Cant afford a scope just yet either lol mrs would climb the wall cuz we off abroad in may.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you really need the scope. I've harvested most of mine now and i got a 60x magnifier and you really need it. They all looked donee, but when i checked, ttrichs were still clear/cloudy. The appearance didn't change much over the next week or so but the trichs went amber then I harvested. But if I was trying to go on appearance alone I wouldda harvested a weeek or so too early.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... I am wanting the couch lock lolbut sayin that this grow went bad at xmas so i just want it out so new can go in! lol ill give it another week see how we go!

Cant afford a scope just yet either lol mrs would climb the wall cuz we off abroad in may.
Radiogot 13 bucksshack has a handheld microscope for 13 bucks after taxes and its 60x-100x and trust me its worth it ..I love looking at my trichomes

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
So as far as drying n curing goes then im gonna dry for a week n cure for a week? Im not too clued up about that either yet as erey grow ive started so far has gone tits up! Ive also been told that hanging is just for preference? Is this true or is it necessary?


Well-Known Member
So as far as drying n curing goes then im gonna dry for a week n cure for a week? Im not too clued up about that either yet as erey grow ive started so far has gone tits up! Ive also been told that hanging is just for preference? Is this true or is it necessary?
Mine was a from an old telescope i found in the cupboard mate. It's one of the lens magnifier screw-on pieces. Bit of a bastard to use and gives ya CHRONIC FOOKIN EYE STRAIN but it does the job a treat. only thing is i think the telescopes are like £40 so it'd hardly be worth buying one just for that lol.

The first plant I chopped I put in shoe boxes with the lid off and left at the bottom of a wardrobe for a few days. Tried to smoke a piece early (after around 3 days) and there was no way that shit would smoke. just wasn't burning for shit. after about 5 days it was smokeable but still not completely dry. I jarred it and tried to start curing but ultimately I had to get it out and leave it several more days. you live n learn I guess.

for all the remaining plants I've left a long stem on them, a good 5 or 6" and made sure there was a node on the stem. When ya cut them at the nodes, leave a centimetre of so of the branch just so u can loop that over some string. Makes it alot easier! Then I just made lil circles of string looped around the pole in an empty wardrobe and and hung em all off the handy lil bits I left! (seriously, I was well chuffed with that lil idea LOL you can tell I don't use my brain much! haha). It was a much better way of drying I found, and makes a pleasing sight when ya open the wardrobe to find it rammed with buds! Mind you, it stinks man! I mean, seriously!! After 5 days the bud will be quite nicely dry but I left mine for a couple more days and it was perfect! As for curing, I've jarred mine and have been burping it every 12 hours for about 5 days then found it wasn't gettin damp anymore after leaving it in the jar (the first few times it was really wet again after being in the jar for 12hrs) so stopped burping it as much.

Another thing mate, you got an IKEA near you?? I was there the other day and found perfect jars! They're about 15" tall and have 2L volume. Glass with a proper airtight seal and metal catch. £1.95!!! I'll post a pic of one later. They got all shapes n sizes too but the ones i've mentioned are pretty good. they hold a whole top cola without having to cut it lol. and hold around 4oz in total.

Also mate, let me know if you got my pm I sent the other day. prob about 3 days ago.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
See i aint got a wardrobe too use so thats out of the window.... lol I was thinkin of usin them big paper primark bags and dring it in there for about 9 or 10 days or so then jarrin it! So you rekon pop the jars about once every other day? or once a day? how long ya jar it for?

Silly question probs but its been a long time.... can you over dry it and make it go shit?


Well-Known Member
mine is 60x mate. and to be honest that's prob the lowest you can get away with.

And I found it's better to hang the buds mate. that way air can circulate all around them. When I tried box dryin, the sides that were touching the bottom stayed very wet all the time. when u turned em, the opposite side got wet. kept on happening rather than evaporating away.

and with curing, as you know i'm no expert, but i've read a fair bit about it. They say it's really important as in effect it kinda "ripens" your bud. A bit like pickin a banana and leaving it on your windowsill and it goes black and really sugary inside. Well apparently some chemical shit happens in the bud too improving flavour and stuff like that. They say u need to burp it (take it out of jar, spread it out somewhere for an hour on newspaper or summat, then put back in jar) every 12 hours for first 3-5 days, then maybe once a day for the next few, and then whenever neccesay after that, just to get rid of excess moisture buildup. I noticed for the first few times of burping, when i got it out of jar it had got quite wet again, yet that stopped happening in the end. That's when u can lay off the burping so much.

Hope that helps mate.


Well-Known Member
oh and i'll send ya a msg on msn about my pm. Seeing as the powers that be here obviously stopped it being delivered!! Not a first so I hear!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
mine is 60x mate. and to be honest that's prob the lowest you can get away with.

And I found it's better to hang the buds mate. that way air can circulate all around them. When I tried box dryin, the sides that were touching the bottom stayed very wet all the time. when u turned em, the opposite side got wet. kept on happening rather than evaporating away.

and with curing, as you know i'm no expert, but i've read a fair bit about it. They say it's really important as in effect it kinda "ripens" your bud. A bit like pickin a banana and leaving it on your windowsill and it goes black and really sugary inside. Well apparently some chemical shit happens in the bud too improving flavour and stuff like that. They say u need to burp it (take it out of jar, spread it out somewhere for an hour on newspaper or summat, then put back in jar) every 12 hours for first 3-5 days, then maybe once a day for the next few, and then whenever neccesay after that, just to get rid of excess moisture buildup. I noticed for the first few times of burping, when i got it out of jar it had got quite wet again, yet that stopped happening in the end. That's when u can lay off the burping so much.

Hope that helps mate.
See i knew how important it is and even exactly what it does and changes (well what ive read) but just wasnt sure if you could over dry it if ya know what i mean? See hanging it is an issue in my house cuz i aint got nowhere thats dark all the time except for the loft and its a pain in the arse to get up tere! the room i grew it all in has still got 2 plants in it so thats no good! rekon i might have to bag em in primark paper bags... there aint too much of the NL so that wont take too long i dont think!

Im gonna send my mrs's sister down to IKEA cuz her fella works there so might even get a few free... bonus if i do!

oh and i'll send ya a msg on msn about my pm. Seeing as the powers that be here obviously stopped it being delivered!! Not a first so I hear!
Didnt realise that man.... No need really is there!!!!! Ive just re-installed it so ill start puttin it on again!

Ive also put some pics up of the bagseed if ya fancy avin a scan at me last grow thread see what ya rekon compared to when u saw it before!