is it Mg defficit ?

Hazius Corpus

Active Member
looks like mg deficiency in some of the higher leaves, but nute burn is your biggest worry IMO (tips and lower leaves burning)

I'd flush them for a few days until the new growth is unburnt and then give it a more balanced fert (with trace elements) and a weekly wash of seaweed (which also has trace elements) to promote healthy growth. check under the leaves for tiny eggs as well - as mites will attack a plant that's stressed.

hope they recover


Well-Known Member
You could try re-potting in clean soil....wait a couple of day's and give nutes again......slowly.....good luck


Active Member
how shall I do that? When I flushed, I've stupidly took plant yout of pot, used shower to get rid off as much soil and let water run through for couple of minutes and than put in to the pot and filled up with new soil (about half of pot) I thought that is the way to flush. Probably wrong. Thinkig back, I am glad that poor little bastard survived. But mainly, nothing happened. I've used one of those organic mix soils, with bits of all kind of nutes and ph 5.6. And I'am watering with 7ph. And I was suprised by the ammount of roots. ...and I use organic fert.


Well-Known Member
Get some magical, or anything simmilar. You will still loose a lot of those leaves but it will still be better. Trust me....magical, cal/mag whatever..


Well-Known Member
those plants have been overferted an now am locking up need to flush with ph'd water for 1 day..then strait ph'd water for 4-7days then give it a shot of cal mag day 8 then begin feedings at 1/3 dose untill plants recover...peace az


Well-Known Member
you need your water to be at 6.5 ph.....then water with twice the amount of water to if you got 2gal soil you need 4 gal water for the flush....then continue to water normally after that with water at 6.5ph...then on day 8 hit with ph'd water an cal-mag..then begin feedings the next day at 1/3dose still at ph of 6.5.....peace az


Active Member
so basically its a nute burn if i understand it ok. But how do you know its that magical (as you call it) which is gonna help me afterwards? Can i use fert I was using before? Biogrow 8-2-6 with Epson salt?


Well-Known Member
its nute burn whicj is causeing nute lock to other nutes..that why your suffering from the cal/mg defenciy...untill the roots have been unlocked to nutes the plant will contiue to get worse...peace az


Active Member
thanks az. I'll try as you said. You seem to be quite confidnt about that. I watered about 3 hours ago with magnesium and trace mix so I probably just made it worse. I'll get on it satraight away. Many thanks again mate! I owe you a beer


Well-Known Member me when you have had as many lock ups an defencieys as i have becomes second nature to heal them....peace az