Is it legal?


Im currently renting a mobile home and they do monthly inspections. They dont go through every inch of the house just a quick run down to see if im destroying it or not. Im going to start growing in my closet, which they would never search anyways, but if they did somehow findout i was growing in there, could they kick me out? The contract i signed only stated no illegal activities inside the household. Which for me, 12 plants is legal. Any help would be this would be nice. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ask them directly or be prepared to be evicted. If they say yes try to get it in writing. It's really just up the landlord when no federal funds are involved.


The thing is, the manager is an old traditional style woman and the other manager used to be my stepdad... So going directly through them would not be the best idea. Im gonna do my best to not make it smell at all. So they can really evict me over that reason? Is growing in a rented space illegal?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Somehow get a copy of any park specific CCRs, covenants, conditions and restrictions. Still if they aren't ok with it, prolly not so perfect. good luck..


Well-Known Member
Yeah the smell is what I figure is going to give you up. Go for a low odor strain ( I hear Nl#5 recommended a lot) a good carbon scrubber and if these are scheduled inspections cook some stinky ass Indian food or what-ever else you can do to help mask any smells that get past your scrubber. IDK I don't want to discourage you just get you thinking about what's necessary.


Well-Known Member
First off, you need to go for it. Twelve plants ain't shit. If you cannot grow 12 plants in a trailer park, where can you grow? A closet grow is no big deal, if they find it you will have enough time to finish harvest while eviction proceedings are going on. If you use your head, you should be able to pull this off without anyone knowing. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm with the other fella that said cook some stinkin ass food the day of the inspection....crock pots are great for this...throw some garlic, water, onion, and a ton of smelly spices and set that bitch on high for the day topping off the water as needed. I assure you, the inspectors won't be hanging around your pad for long with that shit wafting through the air.

Btw, if you're going to do it...don't be a cheap bastard trying to cut corners. Use a tent or other air sealed enclosure to grow in and setup a carbon filter on that bad boy and all should be well. They will stink badly as they get more mature so anything less than an air tight grow environment (i.e. grow cab / grow tent), you're going to be letting off some strong smells from those bitches.


New Member
Yeah the smell is what I figure is going to give you up. Go for a low odor strain ( I hear Nl#5 recommended a lot) a good carbon scrubber and if these are scheduled inspections cook some stinky ass Indian food or what-ever else you can do to help mask any smells that get past your scrubber. IDK I don't want to discourage you just get you thinking about what's necessary.
check the NL#5 before you try it ...mine smells to high heaven


Well-Known Member
Blue mystic Durban Poison. I just did a search h. Beans, " is Nl#5 a low odor strain" that netted a lot of positive results, sounds like you found a pheno I'd be interested in :hug:. Abe the other search I ran real quick was " low odor cannabis strains" and the two I ementioned along wih the c-99 were results I was seeing too. Seems like if you do a little research you'll dig up some good ones, as beans points out, genetics are still a wild card. With that being said I'd add an obvious credential of stability, some thing that's going to be less prone to grow stinky surprises your way. F6's or better, what do you guys say?


New Member
blockhead ibl from smell,growin,trimming,bag.

my nl#5 has been worked a minute ;) it smells like rank catpiss crossed with roadkill skunk..


Well-Known Member
Grow your plants, bro. There have already been some good ideas tossed around. Find a low odor cutting from someone (if you don't know anyone there are plenty of generous members here that may help you out), and if you know in advance that the inspection is coming, do your best to smell the place up with some stinky eats. The crock pot idea above is excellent. My old lady stinks our place up with her crock pot all the time. It really does overwhelm any other odor in the house when that thing is running.

If they call you out on the marijuana smell, show them your card and tell them you just blazed. They may have less of a problem with someone that's legit medical smoking on premises as opposed to growing.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I think you should veg inside and guerilla grow a crop outside until you can get somewhere better than a trailer park run by someone you can't be honest with.
There is still plenty of time to get a crop in the ground for michigan.

A monthly inspection is about 12 times more often than most apts.
They probably pay the electric bills? They will notice if you plug in a real light.
Neighbors are what 6 feet away?
You are not going to be able to maintain stealth with a first grow in a trailer park man.

So if you are going to try it make plans for what you do when they toss you out.


Well-Known Member
I think you should veg inside and guerilla grow a crop outside until you can get somewhere better than a trailer park run by someone you can't be honest with.
There is still plenty of time to get a crop in the ground for michigan.

A monthly inspection is about 12 times more often than most apts.
They probably pay the electric bills? They will notice if you plug in a real light.
Neighbors are what 6 feet away?
You are not going to be able to maintain stealth with a first grow in a trailer park man.

So if you are going to try it make plans for what you do when they toss you out.

Yeah, no shit eh? Monthly fucking inspections?

I've heard of jail cells getting inspected less often.