is it a girl?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess it is around Thanksgiving. Have you ever froze with a deer ready to kill?
Bow season starts in three weeks here.
Yup - last season a beautiful doe came by on my left - she was only maybe 3 yards from me - and I just flat froze, by the time I could move again she had me. But then, I hunt on the ground, with a recurve - so I gotta get pretty close - and boy that adrennalin starts pumpin, it can be hard to move lol.


New Member
Yeah I don't hunt but I have heard of alot of people freezing up. 3 yards! Wow you could have hit that deer with a hand thrown arrow.


Active Member
i also dabble with doing european mounts i killed both of these bucks with my bow last year
here is an 8 point i took at 17 yards he went about 30 yards and crashed in sight.
this is what i start with before boiling and bleaching

and here is a 7 point i tried at 28 yards and he jumped the string on me and i made a poor shot after checkin my bow cam i waited him out over night and found him the next morning about 250 yards from my stand
this is what the finished product looks like after i finish the boiling but before the bleaching. the bleaching really makes them whiten up nicely