is flushing necessary?


Well-Known Member
i will be using biobloom biogrow and big bud for my grow,is flushing necessary?How many days do i have to flush them?Is it a good idea to flush my plants with blckstrap mollases rathen than just water?Should i use 1 tbs per gallon with every watering?


Well-Known Member
Not necessary but a good idea when using salt based nutes... They can remain in the buds and effect how evenly it burns as well as will have some effect on taste and harshness.

Flushing 2 times at the end should be enough. (about 7-10 days out for me when using 5 gallon containers)


Well-Known Member
i will be using biobloom biogrow and big bud for my grow,is flushing necessary?How many days do i have to flush them?Is it a good idea to flush my plants with blckstrap mollases rathen than just water?Should i use 1 tbs per gallon with every watering?
Understand what you are doing to the plant, whenever a grower flushes his plant! reality washing away the build up of salts in the rootzone, it happens in nature, every time it rains, all growers are doing is copying that! avoid feeding molasses at all costs more so if you have spent money buying in bottled sewage!
never be afaraid to spot the sign of nute burn and acting fast enough to fix it to my blog:


Well-Known Member
In my experience, molasses =gnats!

I do not flush during my grow. I do use House and Garden Drip Clean to remove the excess salts and do not have lockout issues.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Not necessary but a good idea when using salt based nutes... They can remain in the buds and effect how evenly it burns as well as will have some effect on taste and harshness.

Flushing 2 times at the end should be enough. (about 7-10 days out for me when using 5 gallon containers)
you seriously need to research how plants uptake nutes, then you wouldn't make these stupid comments

and you should always flush when you use the toilet. If you abuse nutes and have a build up in your soil, you can leach it out with water.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Understand what you are doing to the plant, whenever a grower flushes his plant! reality washing away the build up of salts in the rootzone, it happens in nature, every time it rains, all growers are doing is copying that! avoid feeding molasses at all costs more so if you have spent money buying in bottled sewage!
never be afaraid to spot the sign of nute burn and acting fast enough to fix it to my blog:
you would do great with whoever reads your blog to change flushing to Leaching, but otherwise, nice job.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is not necessary each time....
.. however, it is common courtesy.
Leaving stool in an open toilet can develop a horrible
odor, and attract pests, which can spread disease.
I would recommend flushing each time, and would go a step further by saying
you should flush twice during those time-extended bowel movements.
I advise adding a courtesy flush to remove the bulk, while waiting for the
remaining stool to come out. (especially when others are nearby)


Well-Known Member
Flushing is not necessary each time....
.. however, it is common courtesy.
Leaving stool in an open toilet can develop a horrible
odor, and attract pests, which can spread disease.
I would recommend flushing each time, and would go a step further by saying
you should flush twice during those time-extended bowel movements.
I advise adding a courtesy flush to remove the bulk, while waiting for the
remaining stool to come out. (especially when others are nearby)
Like I've said a million times: Start flushing rite when you start shitting guys! Come on!
Hearing someones farts while they're shitting is fucking disgusting. I learned this from jail and casinos:-D
It def helps with the smell also:bigjoint:
It's always a good idea to do a follow up flush in the end, just to make sure all the turds and paper, are fully evacuated from plumbing.
I USUALLY flush about ten times when I shit. Only about 5 times lately though, as we are in a drought;-)
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Well-Known Member
you seriously need to research how plants uptake nutes, then you wouldn't make these stupid comments

and you should always flush when you use the toilet. If you abuse nutes and have a build up in your soil, you can leach it out with water.

you seriously need to research how plants uptake nutes, then you wouldn't make these stupid comments

and you should always flush when you use the toilet. If you abuse nutes and have a build up in your soil, you can leach it out with water.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
maybe pictures will help, Show me where the plant has salts that need to be"flushed"
Leach = Flush = running runoff water to pull excess nutes out of the soil.
right, but you said salt based nutes need to be flushed from the buds so they don't burn bad or taste harsh or some crap like that.

Where does/how does the plant store these salts?????????????????

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
There are three fundamental ways plants uptake nutrients through the root: 1.) simple diffusion, occurs when a nonpolar molecule, such as O2, CO2, and NH3 follows a concentration gradient, moving passively through the cell lipid bilayer membrane without the use of transport proteins. 2.) facilitated diffusion, is the rapid movement of solutes or ions following a concentration gradient, facilitated by transport proteins. 3.) Active transport, is the uptake by cells of ions or molecules against a concentration gradient; this requires an energy source, usually ATP, to power molecular pumps that move the ions or molecules through the membrane.[4]

  • Nutrients are moved inside a plant to where they are most needed. For example, a plant will try to supply more nutrients to its younger leaves than to its older ones. When nutrients are mobile, symptoms of any deficiency become apparent first on the older leaves. However, not all nutrients are equally mobile. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are mobile nutrients, while the others have varying degrees of mobility. When a less mobile nutrient is deficient, the younger leaves suffer because the nutrient does not move up to them but stays in the older leaves. This phenomenon is helpful in determining which nutrients a plant may be lacking.

Metal chelate compounds are common components of fertilizers to provide micronutrients. These micronutrients (manganese, iron, zinc, copper) are required for the overall health of the plants. Most fertilizers contain phosphate salts that, in the absence of chelating agents, typically convert these metal ions into insoluble solids that are of no nutritional value to the plants. EDTA is the typical chelating agent for this purpose.[14]


Well-Known Member
Flushing my plants before harvest causes a noticeably difference in flavor, burnability, and harshness. Period. That's my experience and i'm sticking to it.