is CO2 harmful to sleeping plants?

420 4 fun

Active Member
Title asks it all,
is CO2 harmful to sleeping plants?
example, 2 sealed rooms, side by side in a 12/12 flip flop, sharing one co2 genny, will the sleeping side suffer any harmful effects while the awake side is benefitting from the co2...


Well-Known Member
I don't think it would harm the sleeping plants TOO much, but know that during the night cycle, they're going through a different growth cycle other than photosynthesis (sorry I can't remember what it's called). One thing's for sure though, you'll be wasting a lot of perfectly good Co2 for nothing. Also, let's not forget, that the plants need OXYGEN for their root systems to develop and give overall vitality to the plant. During the night cycle as the plants are absorbing oxygen and water as their stems stretch, increasing the Co2 in the room during the night cycle will push the ratio oxygen/Co2 down and IMO would not benefit the plants very well. In the end, I think it's best if you try to separate the rooms entirely and seal them.