Is alcohol really a "dark" substance


Well-Known Member
I see quite a few experienced people who have concluded that alcohol is an inherently dark substance. I agree that there are clearly dark substances that bring no light or positive experience to the user, all of these tend to be man created/modified versions of things natural and created for good.

I've always considered alcohol to be in the class of opium or coca leaves - utility substances that are really pretty neutral, meaning the users intent decides their rightness in using the substance.

Sure it has the potential for great abuse, but a beer or a glass of some well distilled/aged spirit brings no bodily harm as long as it's not used in excess and can bring some easy joy and levity to the sober mind. Definitely needs to be kept in check and I admittedly fail at this at times. But my excess effects my gut most of all - I don't really ever get drunk.

I do avoid alcohol when im using other substances to elevate consciousness as I find it generally leaves me in a pretty simple and inebriated state.

God made beer though!

God wanted beer offerings from the Israelites: Numbers 28:7-10

And he wanted us to take part of our earnings to buy mead and celebrate before Him: Deuteronomy 14:26


Well-Known Member
I love alcohol, I just know it's not good for me. Everybody is different, I know a lot of good and bright people who drink regularly.

Used to drink every time I tripped. You can drink A LOT when you're high!


Well-Known Member
I haven't taken LSD in a very long time. But I do remember that you could seem to drink endlessly. I find with shrooms I have very little desire to drink, but when I do the trip is fairly base and I typically laugh a lot and end up in thought loops with an inability to focus.


Well-Known Member
It can be a tool like medicine. Shamans and Christians use it all the time.
But yeah. When on L. I could drink up a storm.
I will be drinking tonight as a matter of fact.


Well-Known Member
I was getting shit faced off vodka every single night when I got home and on my days off I'd basically drink all day. I was a happy drunk to begin with but as time went on and my alcohol abuse got stronger I became pretty depressed, when I would drink I would just pass out because of how tired it made me. It took me a long time to kick that habit, dealing with the sweats and shakes for what seemed like months. I avoid alcohol all together now


Well-Known Member
@Gmz , same. Booze was making me depressed and lethargic as fuck. And now I don't even want the shit, beer hardly tastes good anymore. That moonshine tho..


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Alcohol, along with tobacco, and cocaine, decrease neurogenesis in the hippocampus by as much as 50 percent. This is an area associated with learning, memories, and our internal map so to,speak. For example taxi drivers have a well developed hippocampus. Marijuana actually increase neurogenesis. I stay away from alcohol. I don't see a benefit to it. I also have seen others in my family struggle with drinking.

Weed on the other hand, has a plethora of benefits and applications.


Well-Known Member
Seems like alcohol is one that we really struggle to keep under control. I hear all of your struggles and see that its use shouldn't be promoted.

Now Cannabis, @Immortalpeace, smoke it brother! Praise Jah for His gift! This substance is a GIFT and has the ability to bring light into your daily life. I don't think anyone here in HS questions that.


Well-Known Member
Some are better with it than others but you want to see crazy get me drunk enough times mostly it just makes me act like a retard but when I really get going it ain't a party till theirs a fight. I ran miles through the woods barefoot and wearing underwear and a wife beater from the police after some crazy ass fight with a bunch of tough guy city boys but 2 of us took out 2 cars full we did have weapons though. Another time I almost shot up a car load of punk kids but they brought up guns just I would have won and just so much stupid shit and fights yeah fuck alcohol.

I'm cooler to be around on any other drug I hit a dude just for talking about fighting drunk still don't know why but that tough guy talk always gets me going. I can't drink too much I go crazy and if you look intimidating I'm going at you and going to win fucking crazy worst drug in the world. Lol, Just look at the first drug outlawed the proof is right there alcohol is some bad shit crack is safer.


Well-Known Member
I had to quit drinking, I was at about a fifth of whiskey a day (sometimes two). I now have three ulcers (healed now actually) :) I used to be a bit of an alcoholic. It can take a hold of you just like anything else you can get addicted to.