is a stealth grow really worth it?


ok so i am looking at growing 1 possibly 2 plants i have 1 45w cfl and 1 200w cfl and they will be in a small confined area so i cant allow the plants to grow that big...
my question is will the costs of running the bulbs for the next few months really be worth what i crop?

thanks for your time.


well with the cfl they dont make alot of heat so you just need a little fan also with the cfl lights your light bill will not even go up but like 5 a month with just 2 lights im running 12 150watt and im up 12 a month now thats it also with you not wanting them that big you can veg for like 1 month and flower for 2 so their not as tall also you can top it a couple of times to make it bushy.


Well-Known Member
I figure my costs for a grow are around $350-$400. I get 8-10 oz per grow so that's $35-$45 per oz. I say its worth it.

I figure I can get more if I fine tuned it but it works for me.