Is 400 watt hps enough power to cause suspicion?


Buy a electric heater and leave it in a visible room. So when the landloard comes in to ask for rent, he will be awww that's why, and won't ask further questions.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
50? I okay thanks anyways, I got one of htem old ladys that are nosy as shit, she walked in my apartment wihtout even knocking just to check if my oven was clean? then gave me shit about an extension cord on the floor.
You should learn your rights as a tenant. If you're legitimately leasing the place, she isn't allowed to do that.
That being said, do you really want to grow with this lady as your landlord?


Well-Known Member
I spend approximately $15 a month running 12/12 from seed only running 400w lights,i got Televisions that use more than that,hell a small space heater is 1500w
run that for 12 hours a day it would be About $56 a month.


Well-Known Member
My gaming pc has a 1350 watt power supply in it, a digital 400 watter is nothing in today's electronic world.If they could get suspicious over a 400 watter they would be busting down every door in america.With all my pc shit and and garage equipment my bill only around 120 bucks a month i'm running 1400 watts and a veg room.


Active Member
A landlady that is that nosey can not lead to good things. Get on her happy side so she quits nosing around. That amount of power consumption is very low. She apparently has suspicion..and you can't fix that.. move your giddyup to a more friendly, less stressful casa. Peace