Irrigation system set up for smart pots

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
Next year I plan on growing in 200gal smart pots. I love everything about smart pots besides their height. I'm tired of watering by hand every day so I'm looking into making some kind of irrigation system for my garden. I'll have 4 rows of 12 plAnts in my green house. Was wondering if anyone had done this before? Or knew a better way then filling up my reservoirs each time and attaching my pump with separate lines run to it. My main goal is to be able to water each plant equally. Yes I'm over having to go plant to plant everyday but I also want to make sure each is getting the same amount of water/tea as the last. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can't help with the irrigation question because I'm a lowly manual waterer myself. But regarding mountain water, I did have an interesting learning experience. We are on well water here and our well produces a fairly high mineral content. The house has a water softener, the kind you load salt into. Ruined a nice indoor crop by using this water. Switched to RO and then rain water capture after that. Was explained to me that softened water has too high of a saline level and builds up quickly in the soil, bringing on a reverse osmosis that just sucks your plants dry while you try to figure out what the hell happened. Anyway, moral of the story is, test your water when you move to new place in mountains.

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
Alright, will do for sure. Appreciate it bugeye.... you've been a lot of help. I've always used my well water in Cali so i probably would of taken it for granted too and just went ahead an watered with it again. Will start looking into good RO systems because these babies are gonna be sucking down a lot of water.


Easy, go get 1" black irrigation tubing and a bunch of small diameter drip lines. Roll out 4 lengths along your 4 rows. Pop a hole or two (or 4) next to each pot and run a ~12" drip line off the main tubing into the soil in your pot. Either use a timer, or a flow limiter to control how much water is put into each pot. Irrigation systems are very easy to set up. I'm sure theres a hundred google results that show with photos exactly what I'm trying to explain. Good luck and get dirty!


Well-Known Member
Cool, if you've never used RO, remember to ammend with just a little cal/mg. You might have perfectly good well water, just check it with an EC meter and see where the ppm comes out. Mine is around 200ish and I don't think that would cause any issues. It's the damn water softener that was my real issue...


I have irrigation set up on my outdoor grow, nothing flash, gravity fed with a tap set too a slow constant drip