Iran kick off looking iminant?


Active Member
Obama has announced all troops will be out of Iraq by the end of the year and bearing in mind that the Bovine Excrement is flying all over the place again, does this tell us that the attack on Iran will kick off next year some time?


Well-Known Member
"Then shall the earth's children know the true expression of ONE LOVE
Then mother earth shall honeymoon in peace.
Forever eliminating the aspirations, lust and anguish of wars and rumors of wars...SELAH!"
-Damian Marley



Active Member
There is hope for peace yet, Sarkosi knows exactly what Netanyahu is, Sarkosi was heard saying to Obama, "that he hated him and he was nothing but a liar" the Truth is out now then. :lol:

Obama replied to Sarkosi, Its all right for you, i have to deal with him every day" Netanyhu is so vile, even his fellow zioinsts detest him apparently.

Another development on this issue, is that both China and Russia (who have a pact to fight together if the Yanks declare war on either of them) have stated categorically, that it would be a big mistake for America, Britain and the controllers of those two countries (Israel) to attack Iran.

It kinda of sounded like a veiled threat, suggesting perhaps that China and Russia would maybe aid Iran if they do attack them

And when you look at this situation, Israel holds over 150 nukes illegally, so why should Iran not do the same? Who are the zionists to tell another sovereign country what they can or can not do? WTF, who made them Lord and master?

We know that Pakistan helped Iran to develop their nuclear system, as did North Korea, Russia and China, if these guys side with Iran, Will be biting off more than we can chew?

Iran has stated that, if Israel does launch an attack on them, they will retaliate militarily and block off the oil supply to 40% of the world.

I don’t know if they have the capability to do that though, does anyone here know if Iran could do that?


Active Member
Who flung dung? Barak did.

The Israeli Bull Shit Brigade goes on the offensive, the build up to Demonetise Iran is under way, which obviously means that the Israeli air force will be in action in the not too distant future, heading straight for Iran.

There is "credible evidence" that Iran is secretly engaged in
"activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device"
according to a report from the International Atomic Energy
Authority, which goes its furthest yet in suggesting Tehran has a
military inten
Equally credible information reaching the agency suggests that Tehran is computer-modelling the core of a nuclear warhead, carrying out preparatory work for a nuclear weapons test and making moves to install nuclear warheads on a Shahab 3 medium-range ballistic missile that can reach Israel.
From the above snippet you can see who our are great leaders are worried about and it aint us.


Well-Known Member
Is the "Credible" evidence of Iran's nuclear device more credible than the "WMD's in Iraq" evidence?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
One of the pieces of evidence i heard mentioned was a metal dome used for testing components of nuclear weapons or something. It sounded a bit flimsy. I believe that the UK forces have been informed to be on a state of ore readiness for war. Possibly totally irrelevant but i walked upstairs while at work and walked by a radio and the news was on, but all i heard was "this is the type of thing that started world war 2"


Active Member
Another interesting snippet from the same article, clearly shows who Israel is expecting to die for their cause and it aint members of the so called Israeli Defence Force.

While Israel – like the US – refrained from comment, arguing it first needed to study the report in depth, the wealth of evidence detailed by the agency is likely to strengthen long standing demands by its government for decisive US-led action to halt Iran's nuclear programme if such a strike is to be avoided.


Active Member
One of the pieces of evidence i heard mentioned was a metal dome used for testing components of nuclear weapons or something. It sounded a bit flimsy. I believe that the UK forces have been informed to be on a state of ore readiness for war. Possibly totally irrelevant but i walked upstairs while at work and walked by a radio and the news was on, but all i heard was "this is the type of thing that started world war 2"
Spot on, and who was responsible for causing WW2,......Yep, you guessed it, the Zionists, the zionists actually declared war on Germany, before Germany hit back. They announced that Jews around the world should all boycott German goods. They said that they would wage a financial war to cripple Germany financially, am i telling porkies? Not likely guys, check it out, you will find that i am telling the truth, just as i always do, truth is weapon guys, the truth, the whole truth and but the truth, so help me G-d.

Take a gander at the link below.

The Daily Express - The front page headline read as below


WW3 round the corner????


Well-Known Member
Of course there will be more war, all that money being sucked out of the US needs to be put to an evil use so that the American Imperialist States can steal the resources of even more sovereign nations.

Must be , it has a metal dome, or its a building in Malaysia, but i say its a nuclear device.


Active Member
This snippet from the same article below. Notice the term "unable to discount" Which means, they do not have one speck of evidence to put forward in support of the claim that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. No mention of proof?????

Of course these same people would not be able to discount a rumour that America is going nuke the whole of Europe. Cant discount is the weasel word way of saying, "We have absolutely no proof what so ever that Iran is building nukes"

The report outlines information, which the inspectors are unable to discount, that Iran is covertly procuring equipment and design


Active Member
One of the pieces of evidence i heard mentioned was a metal dome used for testing components of nuclear weapons or something. It sounded a bit flimsy. I believe that the UK forces have been informed to be on a state of ore readiness for war. Possibly totally irrelevant but i walked upstairs while at work and walked by a radio and the news was on, but all i heard was "this is the type of thing that started world war 2"
As you say t t t, its very flimsy, perhaps even to the point that its so flimsy it aint real???

Just out of interest, what would you guys say would be evidence enough to kick of a war with Iran? What would justify the deaths of another 1 Million innocent civilian men, women and CHILDREN? In Iraq it was roughly 1 million civilians that died, Iran is going to be an even harder prospect.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The evidence would be them launching something or attacking someone. It's not Iran i'm worried about in this day and age, it's my government and yours.