Intro and have some questions...

Whats going on guys as you can tell i am new to the site... and new to growing, with that said i've waiting to grow for a long time and now the time has come. I have pretty much the basics of hydro growing.

After reading how stealth hydro isn't the best route to go and building my own is better i want to know after i have my holes cute and the basics done what else will i need... I am kinda lost because i hear everyone talking about different things but can't figure out what it is used for.

Please indulge me as i am new and want to learn as much as i can since im going to have my system set up and growing by the end of the month... thanks in advance and anyone who knows me from other sites give me a PM
dwc? i just want decent sized plants i have a big closet dedicated just to growing so i want to get the most out of it that i can


Well-Known Member
Deep water culture u can see a example in my sig, mine is mini tho I am using a 4qt res, you could use a bigger rubbermaid to hold more roots..more plants
so whats up, what else will i need in FULL besides the cooler, air tubes, air pump, pot nets.... just want to get everything in FULL then start everything i want the best for the cheapest lol


Well-Known Member
Ppm meter, ph meter, nutes, net cup, air hose, air pump, air stone, Thermometer for water, Timer and lights. And some clones. I think that is pretty much everything anyone else have additives?