Interview With God


Well-Known Member
pretty cute, Constant. made me smile.

i watched it. it wasn't that funny.

sorry, i don't believe in god.
u dont have to "believe in god" to appreciate the humor. it would probably help to get over urself and just accept that there isnt one, instead of wrestling with the idea all the way thru the animation. "God" is a character of literature, he is a symbol. hes not a person. get with the program Skippy

but to argue the fact that god can even have an interview...

if god has unlimited knowledge and is all-powerful, he must be omnipresent. such a being would not have the ability to differentiate himself from anything because he is everything. god cant think.


New Member
if god has unlimited knowledge and is all-powerful, he must be omnipresent. such a being would not have the ability to differentiate himself from anything because he is everything. god cant think.
this god that people refer to in many different ways is merely the catalyst for the birth of the universe. You have it exactly right preo'. god can't think because it is everything yet nothing at the same time.


Well-Known Member
It's simply impossible to do no harm, I think. I mean, people harm other things or people accidentally. Like, stepping on a bug. Boom. Harm.


Well-Known Member
arrrrghhhhh.... Jeeeezus people. It was a joke. God talking about his P.R. dept and good hookers and avoiding questions. For fook sake, the site is if that clues anybody in. I'm not religious, I don't believe in god.

oh nevermind.



Well-Known Member
arrrrghhhhh.... Jeeeezus people. It was a joke. God talking about his P.R. dept and good hookers and avoiding questions. For fook sake, the site is if that clues anybody in. I'm not religious, I don't believe in god.

oh nevermind.

lol, its nothing personal, this type of thing alwase arouses debate.

It's simply impossible to do no harm, I think. I mean, people harm other things or people accidentally. Like, stepping on a bug. Boom. Harm.
yeah. like u cant live without eating. destruction is a prerequisite for creation.


New Member
u dont have to "believe in god" to appreciate the humor. it would probably help to get over urself and just accept that there isnt one, instead of wrestling with the idea all the way thru the animation. "God" is a character of literature, he is a symbol. hes not a person. get with the program Skippy

Humans, as thinking, intellectual beings, with a myriad of different personality traits, not to mention what frame of mind we find ourselves in, are each allowed a different sense of humor, aren't we.

So, fuck off. And don't call me Skippy, Gaylord.


Well-Known Member
It's even debatable whether or not we posses true intelligence. Some philosophers think intelligence and free will is just an illusion; nothing more than elaborate environmental conditioning and response.


Well-Known Member
It's even debatable whether or not we posses true intelligence. Some philosophers think intelligence and free will is just an illusion; nothing more than elaborate environmental conditioning and response.
do you happen to remember some of the philosophers names? i would love to read into them.


New Member
All sentient life has intelligence, right down to the lowly cow. We think that because we are incapable of communicating (on what we would consider an intelligent level) with other animals and likewise they with us that they have no intelligence.

Do animals undertsand death? I can argue this point if anyone disagrees with me as I know that animals do understand death. It is reasonable to suggest then that (if you agree with the above point) they also understand life.

If they understand these two things, do they understand love? If my dog were to ever have the need to lay down his life for me he would do it. Is this not love?

They understand life, death, love...

the question is do they realise they have these emotions? I believe I can argue that they can.

When my dog was younger he would whine/cry to come into the living room. After berating him a few times he stopped feeling that way. Learned that it was wrong to feel that way, learned that it was wrong to let me know he felt that way is maybe the more appropriate.

You could argue that the dog only stopped this because he was shown that it was wrong. Yet, isn't this how we all start?


Well-Known Member
Humans, as thinking, intellectual beings, with a myriad of different personality traits, not to mention what frame of mind we find ourselves in, are each allowed a different sense of humor, aren't we.

So, fuck off. And don't call me Skippy, Gaylord.
i wasnt criticizing your sense of humor. Cuddles

(just kidding around)


New Member
Humans, as thinking, intellectual beings, with a myriad of different personality traits, not to mention what frame of mind we find ourselves in, are each allowed a different sense of humor, aren't we..
So the differentials in personality traits can change our frame of mind? Interesting point. Thankyou.


Well-Known Member
All sentient life has intelligence, right down to the lowly cow. We think that because we are incapable of communicating (on what we would consider an intelligent level) with other animals and likewise they with us that they have no intelligence.

Do animals undertsand death? I can argue this point if anyone disagrees with me as I know that animals do understand death. It is reasonable to suggest then that (if you agree with the above point) they also understand life.

If they understand these two things, do they understand love? If my dog were to ever have the need to lay down his life for me he would do it. Is this not love?

They understand life, death, love...

the question is do they realise they have these emotions? I believe I can argue that they can.

When my dog was younger he would whine/cry to come into the living room. After berating him a few times he stopped feeling that way. Learned that it was wrong to feel that way, learned that it was wrong to let me know he felt that way is maybe the more appropriate.

You could argue that the dog only stopped this because he was shown that it was wrong. Yet, isn't this how we all start?
i totally agree. human are exactly like our four-legged brethren in every way except one. place your bets, what am i going to say?

we cook our food.
animals fight each other out of pride, some animals wear "clothes" (like hermit crabs), animals get high, animals have been known to commit suicide. but we are still the only animals on the planet that cook our food.

thats real big. you are what you eat. literally. the point of cooking food for the longest time was to simply kill harmful germs. but nowadays we have the technology and knowhow to have everybody eat fresh, raw food. why would you want to eat raw food? because its not damaged. the heat from cooking kills cells (be it meat or veg), these damaged cells dont fuel the body like living ones do. plus, most enzymes get completely destroyed when they get heated, making most of our diets completely starved of them. and fuck all the idiots that think buying a slab of poisoned meat (preservatives and growth hormones) rapped in plastic is somehow more macho than having a diet mainly composed of fruits and vegetables. if ur digestive system is healthy (as in its being supported with the natural enzymes and helpful bacteria found in raw food) the human body will use the protein found in plant cells.

in a few weeks im gonna start eating raw foods. nothing but organic fruits and vegetables, and fresh fish (like sittin in the boat chompin down fresh). i'll let you guys know how it goes this fall.

i have visions of warehouse communes full of hydroponics and fish farms. completely self-sustaining with solar panels and windmills and hydro generators. we have the technology...


New Member
But aren't vitamins B6 and B12 (essential vitamins) only released into the body when meat starts rotting in the stomach? Emphasis on meat, particularly red meat. Are there any vegetables that release these vitamins?

Vegans I have known had to supplement their diets with yeast extract.

Although you should be okay as you will be eating fish. Don't eat too much as it will take your body a while to aclimatise.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up on the b6 and b12. ill be doing alot of reading over the next few weeks to come up with a solid diet, and seeing how much this is all gonna cost me. doesnt look like im gonna be able to get my family to do this with me, i hope my broke ass can afford it all.

edit: i just did a quick search, fyi:

"Common sources of B6 are eggs, brewer's yeast, avocados, bananas, soybeans, whole grains, and walnuts."

"Clams and beef liver have very high cobalamin(b12) levels. Other good sources include chicken liver, beef, lamb, tuna, flounder, liverwurst, eggs, and dairy products. Some plant foods may contain cobalamin, but it is not in a form that is usable by the body."


New Member
closet.cult you pointed out that personality traits are different to our frames of mind. Although these personalities we have could arguably be put down as the cause of any given frame of mind. It may be one persons trait to not stay angry for very long, or one persons trait to fall out of love very quickly. Yet our frame of mind is constantly changing, likewise our personality traits. So which is the more constant?

Is it our frame of mind, or our personality traits that are the real us?