info on these spots?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I would tend to lean towards a Cal-Mag supplement as it does have that look of deficiency
Dr. Jekyll

It would really help if you gave us a bit more info rather than just a pic of leaves, as without knowing your medium and growing conditions, we can only give you a wild ass guess.
Mr. Hyde
I would tend to lean towards a Cal-Mag supplement as it does have that look of deficiency
Dr. Jekyll

It would really help if you gave us a bit more info rather than just a pic of leaves, as without knowing your medium and growing conditions, we can only give you a wild ass guess.
Mr. Hyde

that is true sorry :p it is in foxfarm ocean forest. 400 watt Mh bulb currently running it on 75% power. fox farm nutes, but i just started nutes this week. i only gave it a half tea spoon of growbig its first nute feeding. its 3 weeks and a couple days old. but it had some of these spot before i gave it any nutes. hope this helps some more


Well-Known Member
no where did i say i used tap water. i use distilled water? and i check the ph before i water it is always between 6.2-6.5
Hmmm odd, usually people who mag deficiencies are using tap water. A 6.2-6.5 pH wouldn't necessarily cause a nutrient lockout in soil. Problem might be something else. Possibly the early stages of a fungus of some sort similar to leaf septoria.
Hmmm odd, usually people who mag deficiencies are using tap water. A 6.2-6.5 pH wouldn't necessarily cause a nutrient lockout in soil. Problem might be something else. Possibly the early stages of a fungus of some sort similar to leaf septoria.

it could be the ph of my soil. i lost my soil ph test. just had to wait for my paycheck this week to grab a new one. it also looks more like the example of a cal deficiency


I usually add dolomite lime with FFOF. I find that Cal-Mag is the only really missing link to Fox Farms line up.


Active Member
Magnesium deficiency for sure... Add cal mag. Not sure why the nutrient mfgers don't tell you that you need these macronutes that are not usually included in 2 part formulas. Had same issue way back when...tap waters not an issue