Infestation... help

Well-Known Member
Last week I posted about a spider that is living in my sour diesel plant. He had not friends until now. Now there are bugs covering some stems and some branches... They shit on the bottom of my leaves, and when i touch them, they fall on there back and cant turn back over... They only move when I touch them, and I have had them for 2 weeks now and they havent been damaging the plant... Until now I though they were pieces of spider shit until i touched them. They are NOT scales (atleast they do not look ANYTHING like what pictures of them from birth to fully scaled look like). To top that off I have little white things that are covering most of the leaves, and they do not move at all even when i squash them... In the magnifying glass they appear to have legs, but they do not move. Are they other bugs killing these and is my spider killing the other bugs... Wtf is going on... All I see is graveyards of spider mites and mites, and then living black bugs, who if they are dumb enough walk into one of the spiders many trip webs and they I watch them get attacked. Almost like a tiger would attack its prey. it is very amazing!

This SD plant is on its 8th week, and the nugs smell more like OG, but the leaves look more sativa like. if you need pics I can show you, but my friend suggested and organic spray that u can use whenever in flowering (what he says), I do not have the name but when he texts me I will let you guys know. If you need pics please tell me!

Does anyone have any general ideas on how to fix this, should i just cut the fucking thing or should i just treat it?

Forgot to mention this plant is 20 feet above the ground and hes never been near a garden. my other shittier strains are in the ground in my garden and they dont have ANY bugs, except common garden ones... No plants are showing damage. How did these bugs get 20 feet off the ground and to my plant...???????? On me???? If so why arent they on all my plants? Any help is appreciated!

Well-Known Member
no love... fucked up... if anyone cares about my health, the stuff I am going to spray is azatrol and it cost me $72 for a pint... Can i use this 8 weeks into flowering?


Active Member
Never used Azatrol, but I have had good luck with Azamax. Hard to tell for sure without seeing them, but if you believe its bugs, get RID of them ASAP. Nothing is ideal, but bugs are worse. Be sure to flush for the last week. Good luck and good growing

Well-Known Member
already sprayed the azatrol cuz it said u can use it up till the day of harvest. Didnt list weed as one of the things, but I sprayed the plant once, stayed away from the buds all bugs are dead, now it just about getting them off the plant, they kind of like molded to the places they died so blowing on em or heavy wind doesnt knock there dead bodies off... I mean im sure ill be fine considering im drying for 2 weeks then curing for 2 weeks maybe a little more depending on how i want the taste. Pretty much the bud is safe to smoke after drying, but curing it really brings out all the goodness. That extra 2 weeks is good enough as long as you are guaranteed the sweetest tasting buds!

Well-Known Member
can anyone please tell me if im going to die? wtf is in azatrol? it says you can use it up until the day of harvest, and very low toxicity to humans.