Infared Blocking


Well-Known Member
^^Where I'm from, we ain't got "chaps" but
the law has no problem with dropping you in
county for a few months just for possession,
AND they suspend your license even if a car
wasn't involved. All for a fucking plant(less
than 2 ounces).

Tueful... LB is right.
You just have to be smart and stay in control.
Use your head... not your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Lead, lol. No Radiation can pass thru lead none of the; Gamma, Alpha or Beta rays are strong enough to penetrate it, God knows why but for some reason i remember that from skl lmao...


Well-Known Member
hey i really need help with this too i just have one 400 watt hps that im trying to cover up. Also ive been looking on this website called Discount Hydroponics and it has some really heavy duty infared blocker but its like 80 dollars for a roll of it. Still i have no idea how it works and if they track where that kind of stuff goes. Cuz really what else is the shit used 4.


Well-Known Member
hey i really need help with this too i just have one 400 watt hps that im trying to cover up. Also ive been looking on this website called Discount Hydroponics and it has some really heavy duty infared blocker but its like 80 dollars for a roll of it. Still i have no idea how it works and if they track where that kind of stuff goes. Cuz really what else is the shit used 4.
400 watts isnt shit for heat,i have amplifiers in my home that put off 3 times as much heat as a 400 watt light.

On top of that it is 100% illegal in the USA for any police agency to do random infra red scanning,they need a reason then they need a warrant signed by a judge.

Dont give em a reason & running 2,000 watts wont raise any eyebrows,like blunts allready mentioned smell,waste & fat mouthing are the real killers.


Rebel From The North
ok im a x military and im very up to date on what they use and what works
to stop it. nomatter what you do you will have heat loss, even with ac the ac unit has a lot of heat that gets vented out. so back to problem, 4ft.
of dirt or 16in. of concrete is the way to go stops all heat from the room
being seen. But your vent to the room still puts heat out of the room
and it condenst heat so the plan is to cool down the vented heat how you
do this I would like to know?


Well-Known Member
ok im a x military and im very up to date on what they use and what works
to stop it. nomatter what you do you will have heat loss, even with ac the ac unit has a lot of heat that gets vented out. so back to problem, 4ft.
of dirt or 16in. of concrete is the way to go stops all heat from the room
being seen. But your vent to the room still puts heat out of the room
and it condenst heat so the plan is to cool down the vented heat how you
do this I would like to know?
Get a cool tube, run a 6" insulated duct from your AC duct work in the attic and attach to the cool tube. Run 6" duct from other side of cool tube back to attic and loop into AC duct work.
Will prob shorten the life of your light bulb.....but i guess paranoia is expensive.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
it is 100% illegal in the USA for any police agency to do random infra red scanning,they need a reason then they need a warrant signed by a judge.

Good to know! As a first time indoor gardener I am worried about the heat signature too. Probably way more then I should be because I'm only planning on 6 - 12 plants max. 1 400 watt HPS and 1 400 watt MH.

hellraizer30 said:
ok im a x military and im very up to date on what they use and what works
to stop it.
:confused: Does the military randomly fly around using IR on residential homes during training ops near bases? In my area we don't really have 50 flying around... be we sure do have a lot of military aircraft buzzing around.


Rebel From The North
no the military dont get involved in that stuff. local police or state troopers
are the ones that do it and due to lack of funds each state dont have more
than 2 choppers set up with it these systems are very costly


Active Member
glad I live in a city without the ghetto bird and do know have to worry about heat signature.. and if I did live in a city with one I'm sure I would need to have 5+ 1000 watts in my attic before I would start trippin. but seriously anything less than 2000 watts is nothing.

clothes dryer 5000watts when running
a/c central air 3000+ watts when running

frigde 300-500 watts constant

blow dryer 1000-1500 watts.

there are tons of things in the home and use quite a bit of energy and cause heat to dissipate into the home..


Well-Known Member
stop speaking on shit you know nothing about....

if 2,000 watts is a bit of heat...

why is that people keep 4 to 5 space heaters in their house?

you do realize space heaters run almost 1500 watts a piece.

So what you are saying is space heaters produce heat? Whodathunkit?


turn lights on during the day. they cant use that technology in day time.

setup in your basement there wont be an outside wall and no heat signature.

the electric company is a "company" they want more power usage thats how they make money if your using more than usual they figure fuck it more money for us

i use my basement it makes me feel safe


Well-Known Member
I never worried about it till I started growing in our new double wide. Got to thinking about the thinner walls and ceiling. I know we are up to snuff with insulation because of the lnspecting these things go through now, but still get paranoid. I did put reflective insulating on the ceiling and doubled it up and stapled it up and have panda film on my walls. Just using a 400w hps and mh. I intake and exhaust under the house,Man what a pain that was! Yes I am using a big scrubber in my room and on exhaust I am using panheads $3 dollar scrubbers. But that is me!


Active Member
All the advice within this thread seems to be correct. When talking about infrared and heat signatures, the plant itself is what they look for. It gives off a distinct heat signature in clusters. (uncommon heat signatures given off by a bunch of plants close together) The law dogs could simply be trying to locate a number of grow houses to investigate. I'm sure they love information as much as the rest of us. So from their I would then try and find a legal reason for a search warrant if I was a heat (pot) seeking pig. Thus, getting me busted and losing my beautiful plants. A completely stealth operation is ideal. Cooling should be one of the most important factors you consider. With a little common sense and research you should not have a problem. Keep your plants to yourself until you smoke them.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, FLIR is a heat sensing mechanism. It identifies the heat signature. If you wrapped yourself in the material and were running around, it would possibly work but I don't see how the material will stop the heat from escaping and heating the walls and roof of your home thereby leaving a signature.

I may be wrong, just my 2 cents.
Nope, you are correct.

The only way to hide it is to control the heat signature by cooling the area down.


Well-Known Member

I would like to also state that some people are overly paranoid and pot smokers are a big % of that group. If you are not burning multiple 1000W HPS lights and pulling many megawats of power then the heat signature should not be that significant unless you are growing on top of your roof.


Active Member
Thermal Imaging Contributor

Believe it or not, the structure profile is probably the oldest and most common law enforcement application for a handheld thermal imager. It is also the most challenging application, due to a questionable Supreme Court ruling. However, the general notion is that you can use a thermal imager to help identify the presence of an indoor marijuana grow.
The Indoor Challenge
Growing plants indoors is not new, nor difficult. By bringing the soil inside (in a planter), regularly watering the plant, and allowing natural sunlight into the room, you can grow almost anything inside. The problem with growing marijuana inside, however, is that it's illegal (it's illegal outdoors too, but you get the point). And growers are greedy. Since it is illegal, they cannot grow plants near windows. Since they are greedy, they are not happy with just four or five plants.
Therein lays the pot grower's conundrum. He needs light, but cannot use natural light. Therefore, he has to use artificial light that simulates sunlight. Besides the tremendous amount of electricity this requires, it generates an overwhelming amount of heat. This is problematic for the grower, as marijuana does not grow well in hot environments.
So, the pot grower has to vent this excess heat somewhere outside the pot growing room. The greedier he is, the more plants he grows. The more plants he grows, the more lights he needs. The more lights he needs, the more heat he generates. The more heat he has, the more he has to vent. And, since the thermal imager sees can be a great tool to locate abnormal heat signatures on and around buildings.
By comparing a suspect structure to similar structures, you might see unusual heat build-up that indicates a grow room. Or, you might see strange heat patterns indicating the location and direction of vents. Either way, it can be another indicator in your investigation that the suspect is indeed growing marijuana.
Up until 2001, police officers could use a thermal imager to scan any home, farm, office, shed or other structure at their whim. Obviously, good police work dictates building sufficient probable cause to get an arrest or search warrant. Not only is it unethical, but it would also be a waste of time and effort to scan homes and buildings at random, just hoping to find odd heat patterns. As an investigator, you need to put in the time and effort to do things the proper way. The TI is not a shortcut to a good investigation; it's just a tool to help generate another piece of evidence.
That said, 2001 changed the thermal imaging landscape in the US. Erroneously stating that thermal imaging was a technology not available to the general public, and concerned that some unknown future technology might make it possible to see the intimate details of private life within the confines of a home's four walls, the Supreme Court banned a current technology that does not reveal the intimate details within a home.
Catch that? Yep, worried about something that does not yet exist that could see into a home, the justices decided to restrict a technology that does exist but does not see into a home. So, courtesy of Kyllo v. U.S., police officers must now obtain a search warrant prior to performing a thermal scan of a private dwelling. Notice, the Kyllo decision applies only to private dwellings, where the expectation of privacy is highest.
Now, some jurisdictions have required thermal search warrants for years. Some may now stretch the Kyllo decision to include businesses, outbuildings and the like. But as far as the U.S. Supreme Court cares, the warrant restriction applies only to scans of dwellings.
Ethical Use on Structures
As mentioned above, randomly scanning buildings to find a suspicious heat signature is wrong and a waste of resources. But once you have initiated a proper investigation into a suspect building, the TI can be part of the evidence you collect to prove your case.
Prior to scanning the suspect building, be sure you have your local prosecutors on board. Show them the technology; have them give their interpretation of the Kyllo decision. Demonstrate how the TI can help you gain additional evidence against the suspect without ever intruding into his personal space, or even stepping foot on his property.
Before you take the TI to the street on your first investigation, get formal training. One online article cannot even come close to giving you all the fundamentals necessary to legally and ethically perform a thermal scan of a structure. The Law Enforcement Thermographers' Association is the primary law enforcement trainer for TI use. Yes, I instruct for them. Yes, it's a plug. But, the reality is that if you plan to build indoor grow cases with a thermal imager, you need to be prepared for court. The LETA training is the only way I know to be certified and be ready.
Like every other thermal imaging application, the TI is not the silver bullet or ultimate tool. It is just one more tool in the toolbox that can help officers build a better case. Properly used, the TI can generate additional evidence to help secure the final search warrant, allowing you to go in and seize a lot of marijuana...and put a pot grower out of business.

DON'T GIVE THEM ANY KIND OF REASON. Always mind your own and let others do the same.