Industry sized Grow building 40x40

Hello, I am a first time poster living in the Seattle area where weed has become legal. I am also a business owner, and would love to be able to break into this kind of market, offering top notch products to everyone. So my business partners and I have gone to the internet, and done some research, and came up with a very basic idea and we need your expertise to help us finish it off! This will be a lengthy post, just FYI. Your time is very appreciated and we can't wait to read some of the feedback. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, and be honest, if this building isn't going to work, we would really like to know. With out further ado, here it is:



Active Member
Debating which direction I wanna go to bash your idea. First the thought you are in this thought just to make cash? Or should I get into the whole me and my partner scheme of things.
To be quite fair to you and your partners, I decided to just kick you in the nuts with this statement.

After all we have fought for to get things quasi legal, we got business minded assholes coming in to make a buck and in doing so we get to read the paper on how these dumbassses fucked up and made us look bad. If thats even possible.

This said the size you are considering is way more then you need unless you are willing to donate your ass to bubba the rest of your life. Jesus christ as least get a clue.


Well-Known Member
So you want us to provide you with the information we had to actually put effort into acquiring, because you are too lazy to figure it out yourself? Additionally, you want us to provide you with free info so that you can then turn around and make money with it? Hire a grower, pay him for his expertise, and do it right. You're a businessman, I'm sure you can appreciate that experience is something you have to pay for. Either in time, or with cash to someone who already took the time. How on earth do you intend to deliver "top notch products", when you clearly haven't the foggiest clue what you're doing? You picked indicas because you read they grow better in hydroponics, according to your plan. Where did you get that gem?Your plan expects 200 clones from one mother, I also noticed. Seriously, you need to bite the bullet and hire a consultant, just like you would with any other business venture you enter into where your experience isn't sufficient. I'm by no means a master grower, and I can already see a clear lack of adequate research.


Well-Known Member
It isnt legal for just anyone to grow in washington first off. Fuck you secondly. Ive been a Seattle grower for almost 20 years and involved in the movement. I voted hell no on 502 because of people like you. Trust that my herb will undercut your store front prices and have no tax. Most likely it will be better too.
So you want us to provide you with the information we had to actually put effort into acquiring, because you are too lazy to figure it out yourself? Additionally, you want us to provide you with free info so that you can then turn around and make money with it? Hire a grower, pay him for his expertise, and do it right. You're a businessman, I'm sure you can appreciate that experience is something you have to pay for. Either in time, or with cash to someone who already took the time. How on earth do you intend to deliver "top notch products", when you clearly haven't the foggiest clue what you're doing? You picked indicas because you read they grow better in hydroponics, according to your plan. Where did you get that gem?Your plan expects 200 clones from one mother, I also noticed. Seriously, you need to bite the bullet and hire a consultant, just like you would with any other business venture you enter into where your experience isn't sufficient. I'm by no means a master grower, and I can already see a clear lack of adequate research.
You'd be surprised how much free information you can find. I already have started searching for consultants, and growers, however I would also like to know things before hand. I by no means said just one mother, I didn't plan on one room just for one plant. By the way, if you are all growers, and have sold weed, you are in the business as well, just not on such a large scale. As far as I can see, once weed is legalized, and fairly simple to obtain for the clueless, there's going to be demand, and the little home grower won't be able to supply that, therefore a big manufacturer will step in. I bet I won't even be the only one doing such a large scale grow, I'm sure large corporations like Marlboro will try and push into the markets as well. So in summary, I'm going to use the internet to be a free resource of information, I already have gained a lot more knowledge from other places.


Active Member
You'd be surprised how much free information you can find. I already have started searching for consultants, and growers, however I would also like to know things before hand. I by no means said just one mother, I didn't plan on one room just for one plant. By the way, if you are all growers, and have sold weed, you are in the business as well, just not on such a large scale. As far as I can see, once weed is legalized, and fairly simple to obtain for the clueless, there's going to be demand, and the little home grower won't be able to supply that, therefore a big manufacturer will step in. I bet I won't even be the only one doing such a large scale grow, I'm sure large corporations like Marlboro will try and push into the markets as well. So in summary, I'm going to use the internet to be a free resource of information, I already have gained a lot more knowledge from other places.

Wow first thing you said that made sense: So in summary, I'm going to use the internet to be a free resource of information, I already have gained a lot more knowledge from other places

Get to it son, and may all you strive for works out. If not dont say I wasnt the first guy to bust your balls over the most fucked up venture I ever read. It becomes legalized, you will definitely see large market drop, but enjoy and good luck.

I read this post and envision the idiot named hulkamania and his misadventures. Do yourself a favor and get a clue.

You see any of us mentioning selling weed? Stranger yet, you want to run 200 plants, when most here advocate fewer plant count? Sheesh report to the local sheriffs office now, and turn yourself in. Betting you didnt even think of using anything for ip security either.

We see wannabes all the time. Oh before ya bust my chops on my low post count, keep in mind I dont keep accounts for any length of time, I am sure you could understand the nature of the biz. Then again maybe not if your here asking how to grow 200 clones from a mother.
Mr Chonicbob,

Being from Seattle myself, and a medical marijuana patient, i can tell you that what you want to do, probably wont happen. what I mean is there are already many licensed growers in that area that provide to local dispensaries. and most of them will be called upon to provide to the state run dispensaries as well. the rest, will have to shut down. why? not because of competitors having better products, but because of the limit the state will put on how many growers there will be. (This of course is all, assuming the federal government doesn't step in by that point.) the estimated limit is 250, and that's being very generous. Your problem wont be the lack of knowledge or information you will need to get started. you're problem will be with actually trying to get a license to grow. you're best bet is to wait the one year (safe your capital) until all of this is to come into effect, and see if the prospects of starting up a new franchise is possible.


Active Member
Mr Chonicbob,

Being from Seattle myself, and a medical marijuana patient, i can tell you that what you want to do, probably wont happen. what I mean is there are already many licensed growers in that area that provide to local dispensaries. and most of them will be called upon to provide to the state run dispensaries as well. the rest, will have to shut down. why? not because of competitors having better products, but because of the limit the state will put on how many growers there will be. (This of course is all, assuming the federal government doesn't step in by that point.) the estimated limit is 250, and that's being very generous. Your problem wont be the lack of knowledge or information you will need to get started. you're problem will be with actually trying to get a license to grow. you're best bet is to wait the one year (safe your capital) until all of this is to come into effect, and see if the prospects of starting up a new franchise is possible.

Wow will say this, you word yourself better then I. That said good job putting more items into perspective for Chronic. I am not in the Seattle area, but am in a legal state taking into consideration the same thing your state has. With one exception, we dont allow dispensaries at this moment, so any venture here is even worse then what you all have. Even so I love reading about profiteers, sure glad I grow.


Active Member
I think it's beyond embarrassing how people behave. You're unhappy that this person wants to *gasp* build a successful business in and industry that we all enjoy. Yes, he could have researched things a bit more, but he came here for assistance. A consultant is the obvious best choice for him. To fault him for doing what you do, just at a larger (and federally riskier) scale is pathetic.

Get your heads on straight (to those specifically outraged, not generally speaking :P)


Active Member
My advise to you my friend is to get 1 tank and start from there. I would stake my arse that you would fail massively at that size grow having with no experience. Have you any idea how much work that grow will generate? Do you have any idea how much this is gonna cost to set up?

You need somebody to with experience and lots of it to get a project like that functioning. Weed is like a woman, unless you you listen to it and give it what it needs, when it needs it, she will make you life a fucking misery and cost you a small fortune for the pleasure. I am baked. Good luck mate.


Mr Chonicbob,
wait the one year (safe your capital) until all of this is to come into effect, and see if the prospects of starting up a new franchise is possible.
Use this time to start growing, maybe with just 5-10 plants so that you at least have a basic understanding of what you have to do and what the general process is. You're trying to get a set in stone building design and information on CO2 when you don't have the funds, credentials, or knowledge to accomplish any of these goals in the short term. Spending hours and hours of research on the internet does not help you get any of this, except for a little bit of knowledge and not very much of even that. For instance, you say you're not sure how many lights you will need? This could easily be found out by a simple internet search (here's a hint, you need to know how many sq feet the kind of light you use will cover, and then the number of sq feet your plants will take up...) which tells me you either haven't done much research, or you haven't researched the right areas. So instead of worrying whether you're going to have a "clone or veg?" room and asking for advice about light brand, start looking into...I don't know....establishing a budget?? I'm going to go ahead and call bullshit on you being a local business owner because there is no way someone who owns a business would have their priorities so ass backwards. Have you ever heard of an architect designing a building with no idea of how much it's gonna cost? You need to focus on the much more immediate items of your to do list, getting a license, capitol and some hands on experience growing some green, either in your backyard or closet. While thinking about things like which room will house what, and what strains you'll be growing and oh yea, how much fucking money you'll be making is fun, they are also a loooooong way off. Here's a generous estimate, if you broke ground today with a building already in place, give it 6 months until the operation is really settled and growing is underway. Now go read all the newbie questions and "Marijuana Plant Problem" board and see how much can go wrong with your plants, especially the first time. So say your first crop goes perfectly (*cough*cough*BULLSHIT*)and you bring 80-95% percent of your crop to harvest. And your able to sell the majority of it. You'll still be in such a shit ton of debt from the construction that you probably wont make any profit for the first 3-5 years. That's if you start in the next month.

All in all I'm not against your idea, if I had the money I'd do it and I don't live in a legal state :P but it's a long process, gotta remember to stay focused on the now.


Active Member
It isnt legal for just anyone to grow in washington first off. Fuck you secondly. Ive been a Seattle grower for almost 20 years and involved in the movement. I voted hell no on 502 because of people like you. Trust that my herb will undercut your store front prices and have no tax. Most likely it will be better too.
i agree with you pov but actually now you can get a grow license for a 1k$ if you meet the requirements as well. i read the bill you should have too before you voted. if you get a license be prepared to have the liquor control board up your ass 24/7.


Active Member
Mr Chonicbob,

Being from Seattle myself, and a medical marijuana patient, i can tell you that what you want to do, probably wont happen. what I mean is there are already many licensed growers in that area that provide to local dispensaries. and most of them will be called upon to provide to the state run dispensaries as well. the rest, will have to shut down. why? not because of competitors having better products, but because of the limit the state will put on how many growers there will be. (This of course is all, assuming the federal government doesn't step in by that point.) the estimated limit is 250, and that's being very generous. Your problem wont be the lack of knowledge or information you will need to get started. you're problem will be with actually trying to get a license to grow. you're best bet is to wait the one year (safe your capital) until all of this is to come into effect, and see if the prospects of starting up a new franchise is possible.
finally some one here who has read the bill!!!!!!!!!!! chronic bob you obviously have not read the bill what so ever. at this point companies like Marlborough wont be involved directly because they do business on a global level worth an unfathomable amount, there is no way they would risk getting their entire company shut down for committing a federal crime just to make a few more million of that. im halfway convinced this is a bill to tax everyone out of business. the only way this could be profitable is from the tourism it generates. the board will be regulating even the potency! so all your going to have is crappy state weed that's $60 and 1/8. Mexican quality im talking here. the good news is the locals i think will be rather unaffected i know a lot of big time people in Seattle who already distribute for much larger grows than yours. they have stayed away from medical and are going to stay away from this too. for them its business as usual. these kinds of people have been doing this illegally for a very long time and i don't think this bill does anything either way to them because after all they have been breaking the law already. for example you have to now carry proof of purchase with you. why not just refill from the black market and pretend your a Conservative smoker. the legal can't beat both quality and price with the taxes they have especially while they regulate potency.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't start with that many lights , you should start with 8 lights and like 12 plants under each to get the hang of it and the crop will pay for the upgrades to bigger setup. Growing from seeds to mothers to clones is a very long process can take up to 3-4 months to have decent sized mothers and to be able to make 100 clips then another month veg and another 2 for flower .to many things to learn on your first go round , to many things can go bad it requires 100% attention . Most growers start off with a closet grow and that's good since the grower is there with the girls at all time to check if anything goes wrong. You should really consider finding some one selling clones by the tray . I'm not aware of your financial situation but led lights are really expensive , yes you save on the power bill but the start off damage can go up to 40-50 grands easy ... just on lights.... its like 500$ for a 150 watt jumbo light .. and you need about 6 to cover what 1 x1000 watt hps covers . Your better off getting 1000 watt digital ballasts for about 350$ with cool tubes . Good luck with your legal situation :leaf:


Active Member
I think it's beyond embarrassing how people behave. You're unhappy that this person wants to *gasp* build a successful business in and industry that we all enjoy. Yes, he could have researched things a bit more, but he came here for assistance. A consultant is the obvious best choice for him. To fault him for doing what you do, just at a larger (and federally riskier) scale is pathetic.

Get your heads on straight (to those specifically outraged, not generally speaking :P)
Its not how we behave its what were trying to say, the guy has no clue, wants to make a business of it. Topped with fact he should have researched the law, not just state but federal before even proposing an idea of this nature. For Fucks Sakes, can you say silver bracelets for christmas?

Get a clue. I commend you for trying to prevent a flame of the guy, but clearly look at the scale he wants to do things. The government took out alot smaller grows imagine his propsal full scale.

Let alone imagine money wasted when he realizes his operating cost per profit having no experience. I am sure you read where he was told time and again to hire a consultant to had you not?

FWIW, my head is on straight, was why I said what I have. Try unsticking yours from your ass.

O.k rant over back to reading and life of incognito, later all.


Well-Known Member
i agree with you pov but actually now you can get a grow license for a 1k$ if you meet the requirements as well. i read the bill you should have too before you voted. if you get a license be prepared to have the liquor control board up your ass 24/7.
Oh I read the bill more than once. I understand that you can get a license for 250 with yearly 1000 renewal. I am simply not interested in being registered with the feds and them knowing where I break federal laws at. I am uncomfortable enough with two medical clubs.having my name and I have them incorrect addresses because I don't trust people. I work with the WSLCB at my day job when dealing with liquor licenses for my wine customers and am not a huge fan.

I should have been more polite to this guy. I am just tired of everyone and their grandma trying to profit off industry that a lot of people have spent decades defending and pushing for tolerance. Cannabis should never be 12 dollars a gram and this new law if allowed to proceed is ridiculous.
FYI, Massachusetts just legalized marijuana for medical use. The limit on how many growers in the state was set at 35. the business licenses are are awarded like contracts.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly sure about where you are but i can say here in RI there is 3 dispensary opening and the liscences were all awarded to family of the people who choose who got accepted for the liscence... welcome to corruptness. Hopefully where you live the limit of liscences doesnt come down to who you know or how much of some donation you make.

As for people flaming him you guys need to realize he came on here willing to speak with the "buyers" of the buisness he wants to start. THE BUISNESS OF WEED WILL BE HERE. Should be happy he came here willing to ask ones who buying it for some advice. You all seriously thing someone who dedicated their life to growing weed will have enough "pull" to get start up money and the liscence and protection to do this? Be real, the people who will be in charge will grow cheap an sell high. They will not care about which strain holds whic thc level. Only which strain produces enough to follow rules and the bills to pay. For every one person on a forum knowledgeable there is about 100 that just want a joint to smoke.

The smart thing to do is see which user who posts on here is serious and guide them into doing it the right way. The way that patients and others will respect and that will give back to the community in good terms for media and making it possible for federal legalization. The feds wont look at protestors or people breaking the law with closet grows. They going to look at profit margins for taxes just as they did with alcohol.

This guy or another person with the "pull" required to do a larger scale legal act should have the community pointing him in the correct way because the day when the rich controls weed sales and has a say it laws being put in place and "statistics" to come is going to be here SOON.


Well-Known Member
As for this guy in particular he should and im sure will hire a consultant and many growers to take care of his crop who will be knowledgable and who will step up an say how his ideas should be done differently. Hes not going to spend 100k on a building a 80k on equipment and construction and 30k on liscences and protection just to try to grow all his stuff himself when not knowing how many mothers ect to have... if hes about to take such a journey on then i bet he knows this as well.

You guys are in possition of power because you know what to do and experience but only because they are seeking you out as people who specifcally know about weed. Other people in his spot may just hire fresh colledge kid as consultant. You push away the inevitable its only going to hurt you when any sort of weed you want can only be obtained through these companies who pay taxes.

Or you can tell them to get in touch with you when permits are done and have him fly you out to where he is with a nice salary as the consultant for it all because one of you can actually show himwhy you should be in charge instead of someone who knows plants but no marijuana. (Prob not realistic but you never know)