Indoor LED Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
Ouchy :/
Watching your grow though man :P And i have to say youre doing amazing! really excited and hoping that i can do an LED grow in a couple months. Just hesitant to shell out uber money for the bulb.


Active Member
yea i understand the whole cost thing fortunately i got mine for almost free so i didnt really have to pay for them but i love how well they work and thanks for the props


Active Member
woot ... so we finally got lil baby buds showing ... i broke my camera unfortunately so working on a replacement as we speak .. will post pictures as soon as possible so you guys can see ... im so stoked lol


Active Member
they are doing swell i still dont have a camera and have busy with many other projects so i havent been on here much but i will def try getting at a bare minimum the final product up here


Active Member
Sorry for the slacking on updating ive been mad busy but i got the time to snap a few pics for you guys and girls if your still paying attention out there lol
dont blame you if you arent



Your plants look very healthy. I'm gonna have to try leds out sometime soon...I want that purple light in my room ha ha. Also have been thinking recently a mix of led and hps in flowering might grow some serious buds??

It seems like there should be a company or organization dedicated to the advancement of marijuana growing...pioneering research and studies into what grows the most healthy plants and biggest, most potent buds..testing new technologies and growing methods and distributing their findings freely...damn don't know where that random stoned thought came from ha ha. Thanks for all the pics.


Active Member
just sprinkle some simple good old sulphur on the top and water it gently through, that'll do the little bastards in :-)


Active Member
i have several different strains rocking my friend .... they look to be ranging from 8 weeks from some 10 or more for my pineappple for sure but in general it varies among area and conditions and when the grower decides its ready everyone has a different opinion but i wait until all the trichs are at least all milky with at least a 20 % amber before i yank ... i like good strong smoke but not getting locked into the couch forgetting who or what i am and what i gotta do today lol :)
but thats just me


stunning grow man, I was going to go with LEDs but decided to choose CFLs instead, but it looks as though I may have chosen wrong! will deffinatly be back to see the very final product, a smoke rating would be awesome too, need to know if all the flavour is still there!, do you know if your panel has UV LEDs in it? Ive heard something like a 0.10%UV power/sq meter increases resin yields, im not too sure on it, but you have alot of magic dust on those buds! SUBd


Active Member
Did you ever find out what the actual power draw is using a watt meter ? It's just that I am very curious to see what your final yield per watt is gonna be :-)


Active Member
i dont know what the exact power draw is so estimating is the closest i can get and im prolly just gonna go with the fact that they are 300 watts each even thought i know it wont be exact i should be in the ballpark ... but ill be sure to post what my yield per watt is im actually pretty happy with the way the nugs are swelling besides the Casey Jones i have going right now everything in the rooms is really pretty tight and dense looking while the CaseyJones has some REALLY LARGE BUDs but they are in the corner away from the most direct light so they are a lil airy but still looking sugar covered and DANK !!!!!


Active Member
had the time to update real quick today ..
we are about 7 weeks into flowering and have been flushing for over a week now
got myself a jewelers loop and checking the trichs daily now not expecting to pull until they are all individually ready but hoping to be able to start pulling some around the 8 week mark

sorry the quality isnt as good as the last picture update i used the auto focus on the camera this time where as i had the time to manually focus and zoom in on some of the buds last time but they are still looking dank



Active Member
Hi StoneyC. I've looked all over for info on the actual power draw for your lights but cannot find it anywhere. It's just that my 500w blackstars use 300watts each and stealthgrow 602, 600 watts use 326 watts total. So if I were you I would buy or borrow a watt meter to test Before you publish your dry weight because don't forget ,ur using 2 of these lights and you might be using less electricity than you think and it's all about Grams/Watts, this is the basis for our argument to use Led's. Good luck :-)