indoor CFL bagseed opinion


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I am deciding since cfls did so well on 9 plants, I am going to try a larger grow, 10-12 plants but much larger, as I kan use my closet now/
I have 12 CFL bulbs os of now, HAD 4, and want to add 12 more, as I found a pack of 100w for 5.99 for 6, im using he plug in screw in bulb sockets from power strips, and I think im going to build my frame to support 10-12 strips and then have upto 4 bulbs in each,
add fan and filter this time, as the door is going to be closed,. I might even try using co2 this time. but mabey on that

as for seed, I have some sativa/indica mix(fat ass leaves) from some goood smoke that had em in there, and they are i n a bag with bannanna peels and appls for a few weeks,(trying to get mostly fem,)

sholuld I try a aeroponics setup(diy) or stay soil? what yeilds most in the smalles space?, I dont have a way to get clones so Im starting at seed. as they get larger and all I want to double or tripple lights but I have it designed so that it is super simple to do do at my leisure.... as simples as screw in 4 bulbs and flip the switch on the power strip.

so , any suggesstions for the grow medium?