indirect sunlight question


Well-Known Member
I have a plant growing outdoors right now and it is in a location where it gets about 9 hours of direct sunlight in the morning and at around 3 o clock, direct sunlight is blocked by surrounding plants until sunset. Will my plant be okay like this? Will my yield suffer because of this? It is in that location because It's well hidden but I could probably still move it to a different location with more sunlight if this is a serious issue. Can anyone give me some advice?


Well-Known Member
You have to consider the suns ability to penetrate. We are not talking about in indoor light here indirect light from the sun is still very substantial.


Well-Known Member
okay thank you everyone, I think I'm fine because she gets around 8 or 9 hours of good direct light in the morning. +rep!


Yes timeismoney is right, morning sun is the softest and best. My plants last year were in the ground where i couldent mone them and they were getting only 3-4 hours direct sunlight a day. I was worried but i got a substantial amount and the quality was good. Now i use pots 3-10 gallon pot some are in places that i dont move, others i move around for the most potential direct sun light needed.